Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

The middle one is the 40mmCTA, and would go to the Brits

that would be cool, especially in 6.0

That game was so cool.


that uh 2nd one is ours…

My point being air in general has more room to expand so the return on investment is bigger there. People have their wallets ready for iconic aircraft we still have yet to see as opposed to some obscure, niche ground vehicle.

Of course they can still do a ground focused update, it’s up to Gaijin after all, but I just think it’s less likely.

Game of my infancy!

Played it along with Birds of Prey and later Birds of Steel…

Then War Thunder came, hahah.

While War Thunder’s air succeeded the previous Gaijin games and Ground Forces replaced WoT from the equation, Naval still has a LONG way till it’s as balanced, reliable and fun as BS:P was.

But I still take WT Naval as the spiritual successor of BS:P.

Hell, we even have carrier mechanics already with scout planes! We just need to make them work in squadrons as in BS:P; you fly the leading plane and the rest follow and mimic you. There you go, Carrier implementation!

That would be a breath of fresh air, not gonna lie… but not until there are enough WW2 ships to decompress until the Jutland heroes no longer have to face any of these xD

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Yeah, shame they didnt do that with the 2S1

To this day, I still don’t know why ground devs rushed to modern MBTs when we still had subsonic Hunter/Sabre/Mig-17s

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Then why don’t we already see F-22/F-35 yet?

Really only one thing: Gaijin hasn’t yet decided how they want to model radar/IR stealth.

That, and slowly progressing forward allows them to make more updates each year, which each give a spike of concurrent players and therefore in-game purchases.

You can apply this logic as well to boost the argument for “they should have taken their time with modern MBTs”

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There isn’t as much of a difference between MBTs of different technological stages as with fighters. If they kept adding MBTs that are only marginally better than their predecessors, people wouldn’t be as excited, and thus Gaijin wouldn’t make as much money.


I mean depending on which tree you look at progression wasn’t that fast. It was mainly for the minor nations and Russia.

The US was stuck with the '92 M1A2 for 3 years before going to the '99 SEPv1 and only going to '08 with the SEPv2 a year later when most other trees had either already made the jump to 2010+ MBTs long before or got theirs that update.


Radar stealth could be tricky, since IR stealth as you mentioned are hardly implemented as well. The jeff with its DSI intake should be harder to lock frontally with IR missiles, but not as hard as IRCM armed aircrafts. It might just boil down to the fact that the game engines will show more inadequacy the more modern it gets.

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We will probably see ECM before we see anything more advanced in terms of air.

War thunder only portrays the tank design trinity, which luckily, did not involve IRL factors like reliability and cost etc. This means that there are less mechanisms to be added, if we talk about the next two years, perhaps tank-to-tank tracking and FCS, drones on MBTs(KF51) etc.
Plus some nations are at the end of its tech. While US and Russia can dig up their cold war docs, the only obvious attempts to develop the next-gen MBT are possibly EMBT and KF51 - they would still add limited experience besides a different combo of survivability, mobility and leathality(edit: I also do not think the KF51 looks cool).
I would say the next step is to explore the different aspects of the protection onion, which was somewhat done with spall liners - still, any adjustments to these are abstract(how to implement the outer layers of dont go there or dont be seen), or very prone to breaking the balance.

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Anything that makes air battles, be it AB, RB, SB or CAS in GRB and GSB more strategic should be welcomed. Not sure how ECM and fake targets would be implemented however, this might be done by articifially creating multiple radar pickups around it like how some IRL EW aircrafts does that.

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I know.

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And gaijin knows that.
So thats were getting less tanks.