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ah god no, not the brickbuild leeks

I hope so but I don’t believe it

I’m also hoping the Dutch CV90 with spikes could be a tech tree thing but that seems unlikely

after the inexistence of the NF5A and them moving thr Sea Fury to a non-BeNeLux line I’ve fully lost hope


Well, they could still do ground centered updates that just add older vehicles while introducing new or reworked mechanics

Yeah, exactly my thoughts. Just one Dutch premium anything ground around the Br of the squadron cv90 and i’ll have a line up since i’m all stocked up on backup vehicles that i haven’t used for years

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perhaps a Leo 2A4

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I don’t think all of them will be added to 1 line.

I have a feeling that, if added to the tree, the MBTs will be concentrated to the AMX-40 line and spaa will obviously go to the SPAA line.

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Yea it would be the same for India after the Vickers. Even though I want a rework for subs I don’t think the devs have a will to do so.

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iitrc the project was initiated cuz of Radar / Weapon incompatibility on Japanese side. plus AAM4 doesnt fit into the weaponsbay of the 35 they have.

They will probably rearrange the tree a bit and try to get as many of the subtree vehicles into a single column as they can, but yeah, just like with the other trees, some stuff like SPAA/SAM/SPG/SPH will just get added to the existing columns.

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They could also start filling the massive props gap in the Hungarian (/Romanian in a dream) line.

If Romania is being considered… it’d bring some interesting stuffs but if following IRL Romanian defense procurements, which will eventually translate to Warthunder additions i.e observing how Hungary got treated … Italy might end up with some substantial top tier stuffs.
+Abrams + K2/Merkava/Leo 2A8

Considering that, it seems denying the Canadian Leo 1 MEXAS and 2A4M for UK tree wasn’t a good idea, given how the Italian might end up being.

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Maybe, although so far these are just plans. We should also see what Italy eventually gets irl.

Seems very likely to me, especially since iirc smin said that they haven’t considered any Leclerc variant to be premium so far.

You know, not everything that a nation (especially a subnation) operated is guaranteed to make an appearance ingame, right?

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We’re talking top tier here … the want and the power creep here never ends

I think it is safe to say that the leclercs were not much better than CR2 ariete merkava VT4 etc - and many would have the same thought of reducing the S1/2s BR down to 11.3 with an UAE prem leclerc S2. The two tier 8 leclercs should receive a significant buff to their firepower, either DM53 - since the GIAT CN120 is 120 nato compat, or, the SHARD which would be given to the AMV as well.

Darings are the last proper DDs we got. And while they’re good nice and all, and it’s extremely funny to see you randomly get a “hit” or “target destroyed” indicator about 5 minutes after the match started (your torpedoes 580kg TNT equiv you volleyed off at the start of the match found someone), it’s not really a match for other DDs.

Currently we are, to my knowledge, one of only two countries that lacks usable missiles on our ships. The other being Japan, although in fairness to JP they have ships with Missile Tubes onboard, just non-functional.

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And they still lacked their radar, well, and the hedgehogs but they matter less. Mark 8 modified with that 589kg of punch definitely does good, but I have gave up on the torp challenge since i gor real life studies.

As of guided destroyers, I am writing up a suggestion or at least planning to do so for a batch A type 23 destroyer pre-refit, or probably the glamorgan. Sea slugs lacked the attributes to be a proper anti supersonic SAMs, but 90% of the CAS in the game are still Pe-8s or lancs. They can also be pretty devastating to ships or surface targets(that is what the glamorgan did in falklands lol). Sea cat would be cool as an actual AA missile.

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It was still a joint project that was intended for use by both nations, so it’s reasonable to assume both could get it.


France probably really just can’t get a top tier premium MBT until Gaijin finally decompresses the hell out of the ground BRs.

Realistically speaking, the Leclercs really shouldn’t all share the same BR and as soon as there is a Leclerc that isn’t at the top BR they can release a Leclerc S1 or whatever with a camo net as a pack premium and call it a day

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