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Oh wow imagine gaijin atcually making game breaking updates, I know it’s not funny as these can cost a bomb but this issue needs to be shorted and fast. As gaijin could end up in legal trouble iirc.


F-16 being worse aerodynamic in some aspect is expected and something I’ve already accepted, but aim9x being worse on top of generally worse flight models could be a bit of an issue. 1 solution could be US getting early AESA like the an apg 63v2 to account for worse wvr performance. But ig we will have to see how it is.

Hopefully they don’t make US irrelevant at top tier, and hopefully they don’t fumble eft

I feel like they would simply have to change their recommendations for hardware to evade any trouble

I reckon they’ll just mitigate the Typhoon/Rafale by giving everyone else better ARH and leaving Typhoon/Rafale with what we’ve already got in game .

For now, I imagine they’ll come with what we’ve got already for now. But in the future. Not a lot can really be done. Except lean even harder into BVR combat


That’s also quite likely

Also, Im expectng AESA this year and I dont think it will be as big of an upgrade as most think it will be.

Maps are too small for major benefit from it and ARH ignore the launch aircraft when they go active at hte moment, so it wont make AMRAAM or any other ARH any more effective than they are already. We already have very fast scan rate mechanical radars like the Foxhunter. So wont be a major upgrade over those either.

They’ll be good, but not game breakingly good I think

They will definitely be much more nice to use, especially in sim, I don’t know a huge amount about AESA but there’s definitely more than just faster scan rates, better range and being able to lock multiple targets

Sensor advantage is why f14 is so good

I think there is more unique stuff than you might think

Go have a look at that link ^ especially the “RAAF series 2” and “RAAF” series 3 section and see for yourself.

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Why does it use comic sans?

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No comic sans but the lack of SSL certification os probably worse 😂

I don’t think Typhoons and Rafales are going to be much better than what we have with how Gaijin does flight models. I’m even concerned even the F-2 won’t be much better than the F-16C and could even be worse if they just copy/paste the F-16C and add weight.


I think they’ll either just introduce missiles like IRIS-T and ASRAAM severely nerfed or they give any of such missile to the US under the guise of “it could theoretically be mounted” or “they tested it at some point”.

Same reasoning of other nations getting missiles they didn’t really use on some aircraft.

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American has the AIM-9X, so there’s no reason to give it either.

Japan also has the AAM4, but that didn’t stop Gaijin from also giving them AIM-120.

The AIM-9X will likely end up quite a bit worse than missiles like the ASRAAM and IRIS-T, so it wouldn’t be suprising if they either severely nerf the latter missiles or just add one of them to said other nations that lack them.

Japan tested the AIM-120.

That does not matter in any way. The AIM-9X will be perfectly competitive, and that is all that matters.

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Heh, it would certainly make sense. I’ve had a whole lot more client side crashes, which given my system specs is probably OOM errors,so it’s not impossible.

The other weird one I get, is sometimes (inconsistent) when I tab out on startup (man I just wanna set up Spotify) it’ll just straight up not work - it’s like the game has a tab open but hasn’t booted (i don’t actually know what goes on)

So I don’t know. All I know is this hasn’t been an issue until this patch.

I mean, what I’m more worried about is the FMs. Presumably they’re having to bodge all sorts of things to get the FMs even vaguely close to where they’re at IRL, but I’m worried about a repeat of the Jeff FM on release… and as you start asking more of the flight engine that’s completely incapable of coping…


There are enough planes that got weaponry only because the plane was theoretically possible.

Hell a lot of the German mains want the Swiss F/A-18C with AIM-9M and CAS options that it never used, when it should just be limited to AIM-9P-5 and AIM-120s.



Totally agree. Me neither but I still don’t post German or Dutch stuff in here.

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