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Can we please make it a habbit if you post something not english in the english forum you either:

Translate it so you’re not asking others to do it for you.


Give a quick summary or reason of posting.


He’s laughing that BvvD like the Chinese Kai-10 aka the J-10.

I don’t know what’s funny or the point he’s trying to make

Glad I didn’t bother translating it myself.
Not that I don’t know how. Just think it’s inconsiderate people dumping stuff in a different language than the room and expecting people to take extra steps to read their garbage.
(Also not a native english speaker myself btw)


Yea I understand m8, I mean this is a forums for the English side of things, if you want to speak your own language then go to national communities. : )


I’m perfectly fine with non English stuff, especially if it adds value, even if it’s just a meme. But atleast type one line of what it’s roughly about.
Seems like daily now people dump images and don’t even say what it’s about.

I know most people on online forums have the social skills of a wet sandwich but “read the room” a little I’d say to people doing this.


That’s the issue with memes. Even if you translate, its hard to understand the actual context.

Yeah… Have you seen block 3’s CFTs? 😂

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@Deathmisser @PilotPug010 His point is that BVVD said they like China’s J10 aircraft, but the J10’s more guided bombs and resistance have been “not a bug” all along, which makes Chinese players feel ridiculous

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Well aircraft limitation isnt new tell that to the British tornado and Phantoms

Theres an easy solution to that. Don’t post memes people aren’t gonna get anyways. I’m limiting my local knowledge memes aswell here.

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I would’ve just made Australia, NZ and Canada UK subtrees but that ship sailed ages ago.

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Yeah. I could see Canada lean towards US subtree but UK would be better.

I hope they pull an Israel and give India it’s own tree (or part of a mixed tree as a main nation). Remove Indian premiums from Uk tree and replace with British or Saffa ones.


What differences will Brazilian one have compared to Italian one?

“clever” is not a word known by most WT players. missile busses are more fun

Neither is compassion or empathy lol

Heres the story(edited in a spoiler)


When he demonstrated the J-10 in the dev stream, you can visibly see his frustration about it
While there are still clearly existant bugs such as high speed drag and CAS weaponries missing.

