Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

I guess the update in the last month of this year will bring out the f-18 and su-30 type of aircraft

And su-34 may be

OK, so we can start off by saying that the fourth major update will very likely include the following based on confirmation by Smin:

  • a Rank VI ship for Italy, Germany, and France
  • a rank VI ship for UK if Barham doesn’t count

We can also speculate with some certainty about the inclusion of vehicles from the files that were added recently, since it seems like they were planned for inclusion with this update but ultimately pushed back:

  • F/A-18 and variants for multiple nations
  • Osa and variants for multiple nations
  • Boxer and variants for multiple nations
  • Soviet KV-1 variant
  • JH-7 premium

Finally, there are also the projects which are not directly confirmed but can be inferred based on previous statements from developers/community managers:

  • Benelux ground

  • Thailand air or ground

  • Anti-radiation missiles

Let me know if I missed anything we’ve heard more about.


Russian KV-1 since they said it would be added later. With how poorly the vehicle is performing currently it seems gaijin wanted to get the sales for the prem version so players couldn’t try a TT version first.

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new way of notching dropped


Not interested in

Most likely December for the next US vs USSR thing.


I’m hoping for a Australian one for the UK.

I’m grinding my rear end off to get the AJ so I can start to grind that air sub.

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Yea, the whole point of the vehicle is the ability to scout in an unorthodox way that would make it competitive, from a recon perspective as it lacks any strong offensive or defensive capabilities.

I can understand if it’s hard to code multiple stages, but then why not just have it be the max or half height at least?

Sometimes it could be too much. The RCV has like 2 meters of it, which wouldnt be OP, but what abou the QN506 which has an EO mast over six meters tall.

Why the AJ? Isn’t the F-15 better?

The AJ is easier to get

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@joshje100 and @Deathmisser ah thanks, thats quite nice

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Nw m8 and it’s hard to think we have two update left

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Oh yeah, that makes sense. I wasn’t sure where you were in the tree. Wish they’d give the ADTW the AAM-2 to make it worth buying now that I’m reminded of it.


Yea my playstyle doesn’t work at all with the F-4 but the F-5 my god it’s the Zero Ko og top tier lol

Yeah then the F-16 and inevitable F-2 are where you’ll want to be. Nimble things. I prefer the F-4/14/15s knightly style of mach 2 missile jousting.

idk, could be that we get the A next and then the C later in December, either with or without Typhoons

We need that Kawasaki T-4 to complete that line stemming from the R2Y

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Japan got a 7.0 boat that costs 1.200.000 RP to grind when you finally reach the top rank of naval.
And they got a coastal vessel.

These are the only TT vehicles they got.

Why does Japan not get anything usefull

Amagi has 10 16-inch guns and relatively high top speed

Like, I get that the economy is busted, but it’s likely going to be a meta-defining vehicle

Since iam “broke” from the SL crates i think its time to touch my pile of wagers i never looked at since i started playing.
Seems like easy money XD


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