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Don’t forget about the JF-17


China has its own Type 59G and J-7G. So those two might not come from sub trees

P.110 i have no idea tbh,

P.1214 was one of the many PCB/ supersonic VTOL designs that came after the the cancellation of the P.1154

P.1216 was the development that came after the P.1214 and was initially just the 1214 without the forward swept wings, and was given actual thought due to the Falklands and was set to replace the Sea harrier in RN service, it was in development to the point where a full scale tail section was made to evaluate the structural integrity of the Airframe, but it eventually was cancelled due to two reasons, 1 was that it was believed that JSF would have been ready by the mid 2000s so there wasn’t really a need for a new design, and 2 the funding that had been allocated during the defence boost from the falklands began to dry up, and it basically came down to having to choose either the Eurofighter/EAP (Cough) or the P.1216. Im sure you can tell what one was picked

Shameless self plug

BAe P.1216: The last Great British STOVL

Out of all the designs, the P.1216 is the most likely to come to game as its just skirting the edge of what is allowed, as its not “paper” but not a built aircraft


in my opinion, this kind of vehicles are just same. exhibited ones and the exported ones.
maybe differ in details
for example, the cake in a Baking Shop, the ones in shelf and ones you bought, they are all from this shop


Well, it was meant as a Jaguar replacement after all lol

As far as I can tell it was the first step towards what would eventually become the EF Typhoon, with the P.110 serving as a base for the ACA, which then was used as a base for the EAP.

Cheers, I also guess the way they said new countries just mean subs right ?

cope expanding South Africa vehicles in next update

So it’s like the Bri’ish Mirage 4000.


maybe gaijin meant sub nations

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Pakistan would make a perfect subtree for the chinese. They’ve had several local variants of many aircraft.

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Planes: Atlas Cheetah, Buccaneer S.50, Canberra B(I).12
Tank: Olifant Mk.1B
AA: G6 HVM (and Marksman), Rooikat SAM, Cactus SAM
ATGM carriers: Rooikat 35/ZT-3, Rooikat ATGM, Badger ATGM
IFVs: Ratel SLEP, Eland 20, Badger ICV
Funny bois: Casspir with recoilless rifle, Bateleur FV2 MLRS

Come on Gaijin, there is enough stuff left to be added. India can wait.


Not before the similar AML for France !

Where are my dozens of AML, ELC, VBL variants Gaijin ?!


We can share that and the Crotale SAM ;)


My vehicles.

My desert.

My dune.


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File:Eland-60mm1.gif - Wikipedia





Rememer that ZA paid 85% of Crotale. ;)
(no hard feelings)

China can’t another nation sub tree ? Why ? 🤔

This fighter aircraft own PLAAF to researchable tree for china

After J-8B & J-7E to early rank 8 but before J-8F

To me this sounds like they might plan another multi nation subtree even. Probably to mirror the planned SEA subtree for Japan.

Maybe Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar etc. would be added as Chinese subtree to balance Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand for Japan. Go to any Japanese subtree topic especially a few years back and it becomes really apparent why Gaijin would try to equal out the addidtions with what China gets.


I took a look over at the suggestions to see what the Chinese navy would look like in the WW2 era and it’s… uh… not great.

It seems like a Chinese navy tree would be kind of like the balance we see in the USSR navy but pushed even further, very few WW2 ships, lots of postwar options.

You know why Pretoria gived 85% of the cost to France ?

Because UK didn’t wanted to give similar SAM system to ZA.

Pretty balsy to want it in UK TT :)

No hard feeling.

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