Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

If Pakistan was to be added as a subtree, China would be the only nation that would fit as a host.

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Where is the link to this info ?

Britain has the weird history of hosting some of the most spectacular aerodynamic geniuses - R. J. Mitchell, W. E. W. Petter, Sydney Camm etc, with tons of old and experienced corporates, yet designing so much prototypes that probably…will never work.


A Phantom with Tornado engines? Yes, please!

A stream collab between gaijin and a Chinese media. The streamers were pretty famous(and somewhat controversial), and Barannikov did make some notes in the stream as a pre-recorded video.
With that being said, most audiences did find the streamers gameplay with huge skill issues, they are full-time media workers who had limited personal time so no big deal.

Edit: yes, this was probably what the ARG content last week was pointing to.

there are 2 reason to add a sub

  1. a unique but small TT should be added, but not enough for a new country. like SA in UK
  2. an existing TT lacking some things very much. like HU in IT
    both not very suitable China’s situation

so I think it wil be a more sub sub things. Like adding a singular needed vehicle, or a unique vehicle from a related country


Well could I get the link please m8


Wait for a second

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I will try to find

The stream is ongoing


羊羔特工队:战争雷霆特别直播行动 - 观察者网 - 哔哩哔哩直播,二次元弹幕直播平台

It’s on Chinese website so your better prepare a tool that can translate through screen shot

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What are they talking about atm ?

Please see the reply to theKEY?

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What do you mean atm? Automated teller machine?

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atm = At the moment

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More like Chating other military content(such as J35-fifth stealth generation fighter, not the Sweden one) that not related with War thunder.

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Thank you and well it seems to have ended, I would like someone to go through it.