Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Gaijin update quality at its finest

can the devs PLEASE make radar NOT switch to ir mode when i have a radar missile equipped, i refuse to belive that radars were so stupid irl that it would switch your radar from pd to ir when you are literally trying to launch a radar misisile

Your telling me you want a Wiesel with only one missile (without mentioning it’s one of the worst performering missile in game bc of how poorly implemented) and you want to ignore a platform capable of carrying 2 to 4 HOT3s that can easily shred tanks from behind cover plus it can have 20mm or 30mm in exchange of HOT missiles at one side (good for self defence against light tanks and helicopters) what kind of logic is that?!.

remindes me of ixwa strike.

Reminds me of every update ive played ever.

Ya… As I said before sub-trees are the definition of “Good idea in theory, Bad in practice”.

When the idea first came up it looked like a way to add unique stuff with no C&P, but instead, they showed us how Gaijin would do multinational trees(C&P first so it ends up being "More nation = More C&P’ when making a tree, so a tree made up of “Less nations = Less C&P” and in turn more unique stuff) and they became a lose-lose situation where both the host and sub-tree are screwed over.

Yeah they added a C&P. Gaijin likes money.

It 's used by the Su-34,



Also having other nations lock a subtree from getting their vehicle is and old and outdated form of gatekeeping that should be removed. The unique aspect should be having said vehicle on that tree not exclusively having that vehicle.

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So at least we know what may come up at Christmas then lol

oh god. it’s not even a day and the Swiss Hornet discussion is back at it again :D


Well the update is more or less next month so we better make it last lol

Could get chaff dispenser and AIM-7E Sparrow

Air National Guard F-4D retrofitted AN/ALE-40 Chaff/Flare Dispensers ?

SUU-25B/A or SUU-25C/A Flare dispenser in late vietnam war or after vietnam war 1 year

Battle rating 11.0 (Air AB & Air RB) and 10.7 (Air SB)

USAF service F-4D deployed AIM-9J & AIM-7E-2 in vietnam war like F-4E

F-4E from USA tech tree might received AIM-9J-1 (later redesignated the AIM-9N) if now BR 11.3 (Air AB & Air RB) and 11.0 (Air SB)

Now AGM-65K Maverick & GBU-32 on cdk file ?

New meta fighter-bomber for Air battle and Ground battle

But Su-30SM, Su-30SM2 and Su-35S (RU) armed KAB-1500 kg like Su-34 ?

Kinda make sense after Su-24M (and two new F-111, but they aint so unique). I really hope this indicated Gaijin, at very least, toying with the idea of “Frontline bomber” (which is in its own a compromise between fighter and a proper bomber)

Isnt the next one in december?

There’s one in early november

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There one in late October/Early November and then it’s the Christmas one.

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Whats its difference compared to the ones in the game now tho

Those are not decoy flares those are illumination flares