Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

I would honestly love to see in the next update the JDAM-ER and much better targeting pods like Sniper are Lightning G4 e.g and it would be interesting to see the Vulcan bomber coming into the game since it was teased in that Brazilian trailer. I also would love to see the Tornado GR4 with its brimstone missile’s to come in the next update.

And i can see the Hornet coming in the next update for America and multiple other Nations. You can bet America will be getting a premium F/A-18A and a tech tree F/A-18C !!

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Which is why I said this

F/A-18E Early (Block I standard) coming to 2026 or 2027, my guess

USN F/A-18C early in 1988 avionics, engine and armament like F/A-18A ? 🤔

New event vehicle after Iran F-14A would be F/A-18B from USN

A F/A-18A wouldn’t be groundbreaking either

Didn’t do what with the Gripen? Add the A and C at the same time to Sweden?
We didn’t have AMRAAMs at that point, so adding the C alongside the A for Sweden would have been pointless.

Please, lets get the Nimrod MR2 added to the game.This big guy can fight with sidewinders!


the A isnt what the A is. Its capable of AMRAAM though by gaijins words it wasnt despite them literally being fit with them so idk their logic. Gaijin can very well just add ARH to the f18A because they want to. They have no interest in following a pattern considering how many tikes they break said pattern.

the A could’ve been added instead of the F-16C50 and the C50 could’ve come with ARH

but gaijins choice was a different one

Ahhh, gotcha. Yeah, judging by their trackrecord, I could definitely see them do that lol

The C literally is an A with 1 missiles difference. The ground cas should be the sAme minus AGM 65G. So again it was another 400k+ rp sink which sweden already did with the ja37D which isnt even the D but a glorified C

Gaijin literally though an AGM 65A with an HE warhead was on par with AGM65G, RB75T should be on all strike viggens and the gripen A yet gaijin has yet to add it or even add the 5th pylon for CAS on the gripen C. So again gainin kinda screwed the gripens with adding the A and C at the same time while trying to keep the C on par with the A to not throw off the balance.

How else are they gonna make you pay for premium?


I get what you mean, but this is Gaijin we are talking about.

and a New radar… and new engines… and a new targeting system

all in all it shares the name

No new engine. The 2012 gripen A had the same radar as the C in game. And the only difference is one pylon for CAS a internal fuel hook. And CM. The A’s were literally modified into C models around 2010’s until they were retired amd used for parts in 2012 with 131 being the last flight of the gripen A


Red day glow 131

I thought this was about the F/A-18?

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Yeah at the start of the year I was expecting the F/A-18A+ to come in Seek and Destroy and the F-15C for this update going off the last year with the F-16C coming in Son’s of Atilla. But 100% we can see the F/A-18 whichever version by the end of this year

I don’t know about that

they could do a Starfighter and add it waay in the future when it’s no longer top tier

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Was literally talking to about the gripen so my b if i didn’t know you were going back to the f18

I had no Idea because a minute before we were talking about the Hornet and you only mentioned the A and the C

I mentioned that gainin doesn’t adhere to their own pattern and decides what they want. If they want the F18 to carry amraams they can. My only hope is that the A doesnt get added at the same time as the C as when they did that with the gripen A they held back both the A and C models.

Literally all 10.x swedish vehicles are incorrect and miss labled considering they dont even do what they were made for.

How would the Hornet A hold back the Hornet C if they were released at the same time now tho?