Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The Kawasaki T-4 itself has not been armed. Two XT-4 however were spotted with a gun pod, but thats about it.


XT-4 with FN Browning gunpod (same as the ones on the strikemaster)


That would be so awesome. I really want those aircraft.

Do you guys think we might see some new strategic bombers or jet bombers in the next update?

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Hopefully we do but without a bomber rework or a gamemode rework they will be severely DOA


I’ve been told I can finally post this, but not reveal the vehicles. There was a problem with the HTML when it was first posted and then purged. It’s been under wraps since because it was too early for any of the vehicles to be revealed.

Edit: I should add that this tree is more likely that this will be the winter update and not the Oct update.


Yugoslavia, my baby, is that you?

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huh, crazy new nation? (or sub-nation)

I’m going to guess Japan and sub-tree given that it’s the only nation left out.


Damn, that makes sense. Unfortunate.

Centauro 2 will make me cry on arrival


Let’s not get to hyped as it could be that Japanese sub


Argh… Where is air?

Not there, evidently.

Considering there are nation codes in brackets for every vehicle, it’s definitely a subnation.


I’m really hoping for the Centauro 2 I already researched the entire line waiting for it

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Switzerland Subtree confirmed kek

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Won’t surprise me if it was for Japan

Can’t get one. Germany already has five lines. Japan has been effectively confirmed to get a sub tree, however, so that one makes the most sense. China and Israel also have room.

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Oh please be a japanese sub tree please snail

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