Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah, I’d like to see the Jaguar come with the Ajax for an update, then finally we will have the 40CTC in game

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Some CTA40 for both Uk and France would be nice indeed.


but people play less, because of the vehicle events and the fact there is not much to choose from

I would like to apologise for everyone here especially to Hyrikul for my behaviour earlier as was not only childish but also a bully, I have seen the error of my ways and will keep my behaviour in check from now on.


We all have lapses in Judgement buddy.

Look at me last week with the Petard, takes choana’s to admit when your wrong, so from the whole WT community, we thank you

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The visual models for Tirpitz and Stalingrad that are now in WT Mobile were first seen in the files here in WT in the leak of 2021:

While in the other direction, the aircraft carriers USS Lexington(CV-2) and HMS Illustrious(87) were discovered in the files of Mobile months before they were added here in update Apex Predators ( Aircraft Carriers - WT Discussion - #14 by Motherhen357 ), and the controls for player aircraft carriers have been added to the files here in WT ( Aircraft Carriers - WT Discussion - #43 by Motherhen357 )

The Type 7 submarine used in the Battle of the Atlantic event last year was the same visual model used in WT Mobile, so it appears that those are transferrable between the games also

But submarine-specific weapons and assets have been in the files as far back as 2020 atleast, some may have been undiscovered for longer

More recently, the Pr.11451 has been added w/ it 's dipping sonar visible in the Xray

Some textures for the Hamburg-classe were added to WT long before it appeared in Mobile ( ), and the Sea Sparrow now used by JDS Takatsuki there was first seen here in the devserver for update New Power - USS Forrestal was mismodelled to have the launcher despite otherwise being in her 1967 gun-only appearance

In the most recent WTM update they added the Type 23 frigate and it 's vertical-launch Sea Ceptor.
We don’t have that specific missile in WT, but we have had a VLS one in the files


or a lot of people telling you to…

I just hope someone take a screenshot so Hyrikul could see it as I do mean it this time

I couldn’t figure out how to block on the new forum so I saw everything.

It’ll be fine.

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Adding those two ships right now would be a bad idea, so we have to wait for a few more models of similarly capable ships to appear

Sure ? as I really harsh towards you this time and I’ve learnt my lesson

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I take your words, it’s ok.


Thank you m8, I know people can get really iffy sometimes but if your fine with it, then that good news : ).

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We all share a common interest in weapon platforms, whether they’re tanks, planes, ships, or helicopters. Let’s appreciate this fact and come together to enjoy battling each other in War Thunder


Here here

Today if Eurofighters and Rafales fly in the sky it’s together as ally to protect both country and more, so keep it cool.


Yeah, it sounds a little childish, but I didn’t know what to say, so you’ll have to be content with that and we’ll move on :p

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Is there any possibility early GPS/INS precision-guided munition for aircraft 12.0 ~ 13.0 coming to next major update ?

Gaijin could add another 4th gen WVRAAM for NATO & chinese aircraft standard at 12.3 ~ 13.0 in third major update ?

With the last new US guided/propelled bomb the door for those are opened i think.



The 3 aircraft you listed and australoan F-18 are about all I want from ANZAC as well as any other Abrams they have, pretty sure australia only uses the AIM.

Aslav could be nice, basically a different LAV-25
K1 tanks would be a nice, way to add some variety to US top tier.

Everything else can go to UK