Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Those are useless anyways

Some stupid teammates could abuse this mechanic by locking friendly targets

@Smin1080p since you have sneakily increased the price of the German premium Leo 2A4 from 59.99$ to 65$ after the devblog for the 121B dropped. and the price of the new Swedish Strv 121B is 70$, what is it that makes the Swedish one more expensive? does it get Spall Liners? does it get the Slpprj M/95 round?


I think all the rank 6 premiums that went up to rank 7 went from 60 to 65. I don’t think it’s recent.

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clueless lol


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ground laser on the UAV is a surely OP tactic as long as SPAA Ahistorically can’t lock them

you could just make the UAV only lock hostile targets

We have not “sneakily” increased the price of anything and certainly nothing has changed since the most recent blog. The last cost adjustments were during the rank changes and premium improvements last year: [Development] [RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles - News - War Thunder


allright. what about the other part of what i wrote?

‘‘and the price of the new Swedish Strv 121B is 70$, what is it that makes the Swedish one more expensive? does it get Spall Liners? does it get the Slpprj M/95 round?’’

Here is your 5 EUR difference:

2A4 Pzbtl123


15 days of premium 2000 GE. keep that in mind.



20 days of premium, 2500 GE, therefore here is your difference in price.

No, it never had it, why it should get them?

The STRV121 can already fire SLPPRJ M/95 IRL. This round is up to which BR the Developers will put that tank in, however as i proved to you, that won’t affect the price, the solely reason why the 121B cost 5 EUR more is because of more GE and days of premium you get.


@Smin1080p will multipathing ever be reworked or stay at 100m as a “balance” change like we’ve been told?

ground hugging has become a serious problem at top tier air and its the only thing people do, making radar missiles obsolete

not making the ground a safe space will reduce ground huggers and make them actually learn to defeat missiles


Boy I sure hope we get a devblog Monday so you guys have better to argue about other than “leaklist” hearsay.

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I already trust the leak lists, now I’m just waiting for the few things that aren’t on it to be shown. There’s not much but I know of 2 vehicles in particular that should have some people excited

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You cant say that and not say what they are man!

It is for sure a problem but not at 11.3 when players start to have SARH missiles flying aound

proper Air to Air missile combat and realistic BVR strategies don’t work on most Top tier Air maps, in order for sth like multipathing to not completely ruin top tier we’d need maps the size of Air Sim maps only with multiple Airfields to spawn from

the current small one airfield each maps would turn into Take off → fire a missile → get shot 16 times → return to hangar which imo is a much worse gameplay than the current Ahistorical one

Oh I definitely can, but don’t worry, think of it this way, you only have less than a week to wait until we more or less know everything coming. So soontm right?

A hint tho since no one’s is gonna guess this:
It’s a surprising jet, but not for the reasons your expecting!

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A surprising jet? Oh boy! The B-36H!


Maybe itll be the Kawasaki P1 lol

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