Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

lmao CV 9035 in france wtf ??
NL sub tree ??
if it was a belgium tank it would be logical but a netherland tank ??

WTF? How did the R77 range longer than PL-12?

Didn’t Smin deny a Dutch F-16 to Germany and yea I think we know why now lol

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I saw french already asking for switz leopard 2s, just saying

Sad to see that the only solution to give us a light tank/ifv is too give us a foreign vehicle…
and it’s strange that it is one from netherland , one from belgium would have make sense at least

where ?

I’ve seen people ask for ex colonies for a Mig-29 like jes even the French can’t make there mind up

The R77, which has the highest resistance and the lowest range, has become the overwhelm of the PL 12 (against the ammunition of the 120C5)?

Well to wonder what flavour of F16 Germany is properly going to get

None, because the German airtree is a sneeze away from being taken behind the shed to retire

But still some people say that this is not Russian bias🤣

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Some months ago in a switz tree, they argued because the ruag modification used leclerc technology

Most likely argentinian

Also, where is the tws for J-8f, one of the best radar in current game, even don’t got it tws

maybe but its too new and might change

block 52 radar was data mined and Poland uses it

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AVIC: Even if I make the information public, they will still fill in the data blindly.

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No, we don’t do that.

Even if we got Swiss subTT for some reasons, we don’t want leopard.

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hum ok , even If I think we could get some tanks for switz I really don’t want copy past in our TT personally …

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The 1492 radar of J8F in the game is still a replica of APG66

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Reality: 4 J-11s with R77 once been suppress by 2 J-8f with pl-12
WT: worst missile/ radar only allow STT/ worst plane

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