Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

french bias

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restart your pc

Well, until then, enjoy the training aspect of the Alpha Jet)))))

50G ??? 40 G ??? Not 5G and 4G ?

I’m gonna enjoy Alpha jet without weaponry on flying server xD

how do you see the ARH missiles?


your blue tooth device has uh, connected uh suseccesfully

Any fun new vehicles for sweden and japan that arent premium? Also hows the spaa for france?

Afaik it’s not for this update, work in progress for the future, doubt you can see them in the devserver.

Edit: nvm you can

I don’t like how EAC closes my discord everytime I launch the dev server.

oh shit R darter

SAAF Gripen cannot use the R-Darter, it’s incapable of it, only the Cheetah can


My Dev server was shutdown by Crowdstrike. 😒

yeah I know but it has them

got the rest of the missile stats?

for who?

SA grippen