ayo heli HMD?
lel, its nk
Apache it seems, just like Ka50 got their cockpit, also apache got that cockpit
Italy baby
I like the vibe, traditional European town but heavily influenced with modern tourism and art style
Has F20 only been issued to the United States?
with MiG-29 and Gripen
F-20 6 missiles seem like they are the Aim-9L or M
hard to tell seems like the purposefully made it hard read it
AH64 cockpit “Update” aka actually modeled now including the FCR
NK preorder?
you sure about that lol
ka52 as well but im actually not sure if the 50 got one
Wait… not a single unique plane here?
Looks like we’re getting some new maps:

I’ll be honest, for a moment I thought those were north korean roundels here
inch er esting that there was no naval vehicles, or anything that 's been devblogged already. We’ll probably be hearing something abt those tomorrow.
That ZBD turning up probably confirms Mutsu, WT is finally entering the 16in age ! The last wave of battleships.
What, Heja II dive bomber? Whos gonna play that?
Now the question is, will the F-20 be premium or no? Im thinking yes
is this not North Korean?