Hungary air tech tree ?? Smallest fighter in it Mig-23 MF ???
Wipe’s on thursday
Between now and before midnight.
how long is a piece of string?
Am I the only 1 who hopes for another British devblog just to troll those people who got upset at the UK having 2 blogs already?
who’s midnight?
I have that feeling but for the other side of the pond.
ngl that would be pretty funny but I feel like one of the stars of the show will be tonight
last Teaser was released before midnight so lol
I would be a right meme ngl, all though I’d kinda want to see a devblog for the canadian leopard going to france just for the chaos
They better hurry up, Google is going to ban me
This is technically true for a lot of people
I’ma sleep for an hour ish, then come back and see if something happens
I could ___ for a researchable FW189
If it would be any IFV/Light vehiccle i would be down for it
Surprise! Ajax is coming to GB this update (im kidding)
*Too short, I suggest you sleep 24 hours and then the teaser will appear.
Nope, just regular stream.
Yea, Tom is British