Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

The thing is, the guy literaly wouldnt even accept u saying it lol, you would need to send the specific part of the rules/tos of the website before he accepts them, whole thing was ridiculous when everyone told him yesterday but he didnt believe it

Show the source of the message? (百度贴吧) This app is similar to Reddit and is a software used for various discussions. So users don’t need to display the source

German F-20 devblog incoming


He didnt accept that, in his words the message could have been manipulated, if we dont prove the website shows edits or that it cant be edited at all. The guy didnt understand how social media systems work at all

Would prefer a leopard 2a6m can devblog for germany xD

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cough cough SPIKE Puma cough cough

edit: cough also small rework of FaF missiles on tanks cough

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Don’t spend too much time on him, even a few guys on the forum,I have seen them in Tieba, and many people can confirm this.
Let’s look forward to today’s dev

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The major most likely gives us a few fixes at least, thats sth

Oh, yes. If you want to edit and publish content, Baidu Tieba(百度贴吧) cannot edit the content you have posted. If you want to edit it, you can only delete it and republish it😃

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Let me present something better, for both France and Germany:



Surely you German mains want it as well, right?



Anything between 10.3 and 11.7 in the tech tree for Germany would be lovely.

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God imagine the f20 is german how tilded would us mains be

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Oh i got him perma banned now, i couldnt bother anymore

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I don’t really care about the spike Puma anymore, we have the Vilkas, which is better

The A4M CAN and it seems to might be the Bucc blog today

they’d be so tilted it’d go full circle

Gaijin hearing you and repeating the DF105 situation:

Germany doesnt deserve another mbt for a few updates they just got a few

Depends, the puma launcher might actualy be moveable, making it possible to shoot at targetd closer to yourself, if gajin gives it direct fire mode on closer ranges like they did with freccia and qn506 if i remembee right

would be a nice premium for france for the release of the EMBT for Francce of course ;)
The germans already have the KF 51