damn it so sad the uk has no proper IFVs that we can add (gaijin probably)
maybe George (King) so commonwealth
R-77 doesn’t have a sustainer?
Actually pretty cool list. Even as a mostly top tier player I wouldn’t say no to these.
I mean an Canadian Leo and now a RAM 1 both perfect for CBT packs lol
good point
its not bad but I dont really care about 2 light tanks at like 3.7 for the uk our highest br light tank is 9.0
Like Smin said not all commonwealth nations will be added to Britain just stuff where it needs to be.
Ram 1 won’t make sense since we already got the Ram II model for the US.
would fit well into a commonwealth tree
but let’s not keep that discussion going here, gon get bonked again
@soviet_MoonMan Can you reveal what the interesting vehicles, you were talking about little time ago, were?
First update I recall where there is nothing whatsoever I want to grind or buy.
Are there some vehicles in the files?
I really hope this is false. If they give France a foreign light tank while we have a ton of vehicle that can be added by brain will commit suicide
The thrust is high, but other data is bad. In your eyes, it means Chinese bias? This is very ridiculous
me watching more nations getting IFVs when im stuck with a warrior at 11.7 as my only IFV
at least it looks cool
38? Hmm, I wonder if the rest of the 40+ vehicles that one person talked about will pop out
CV9035NL in France is ridiculous, but the list is fun other than that.