Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

obviously only matters if its russian

Should’ve added the base ZBD-04 first and then the ZBD-08 (ZBD-04A)

For a second there, I got excited about Italy getting a lot. Then I remembered.

Chinese BMP-1 and light tanks in one branch, similar equipment in the other. It’s time for gaijin to reconsider the location of China’s light equipment


OBV even if the k38ml will never get to those max launch ranges it wont even render at this ranges nor hit anything


Gajoob pls gib more internal 540lbs


yea lol nothing will reach said 40km

hopefully that means we can get Nagato in her later Variant at some point, or maybe im just coping lol

“How much copy and paste do you want?”

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That’s an S.50

Guns look spicy though

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AGM-65G and H. Huh.

but muh russian bias 40km max launch range missile xd

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on a slow moving platform btw

Once again, the Gripen C is given Skyflashes that it cannot use.

Yeah obviously, Gaijins been doing the second ship in early config and lead ship in later config. But more importantly right now, Mutsu is as-built. Which is disappointing, worse AA than in 1932 and doesn’t have the unique curved #1 funnel.

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I really hope drop tanks are planned for the F-20

AJ.168s are gimped, hm

The S2B still has the bulged bay