Nice try
Nice way to give US mains a heart attack
You got me :(
Now for Germans turn lol
What is Denmark
I’ma keep handing these out
a european nation, again, they fullfilled what they said, never was it said all scandinavian nations go to sweden
Grab his ankles.
and now I know what I’ll be making for dinner tonight, thanks
in my opinion soup is the inferior stew
again show me where gajin says all scanidiavian nations go to sweden, they fullfilled their promise with adding finnland and norwegian as purely premium /event to sweden
I didn’t have the last half to begin with so i didn’t intentionally leave it out
nice how it says
literaly confirmations its not certain sweden will get denmark stuff
It’s hard to make a good vegetarian stew, + I’m at my gf’s atm, don’t have my slow cooker here. but yeah stew + dumplings is heaven
Now they will have nothing to complain about… literally :D