Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

This video was released at 16:00:06 UTC yesterday




ok now show me where it says that all scanidavian nations go to sweden? they added finland and norwegian, with that everything they said is fullfilled. Denmark is not officaly part of the tree

the mods are waiting for the teasers just as much as us, someone gotta troll with a rick roll

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Some one can’t read thats fine

Squadron Vehicle hints?

Nice job leaving out the full quote:

Q: Is it possible for the Swedish branch to be combined with other vehicles to some “Nordic” branch in future, which would include Swedish, Finnish, Dutch and Norwegian vehicles?

A: There will most certainly be something of this kind, except that the name of the branch will stay Swedish. But we do have plans to add Scandinavian countries vehicles – and first of all to add Finnish vehicles to the Swedish branch, like it was done with RSA vehicles in the British branch. Finland doesn’t have a lot of its own vehicles, most of its force being bought and modified, however it fills some currently free spaces in the Swedish branch quite well. That is, it adds competitive vehicles for such ranks and battle ratings, that has a lack of vehicles. That’s why we see it as one of improvements to the Swedish branch. Other Scandinavian countries, I think, will appear as premium or event vehicles. There is no point in changing the Swedish branch name, as long as Swedish vehicles are the majority of it.


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France and Italy could get one

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The Mike and Oxy stream will start in about 30 min, and last about 2 hours, so in about 2 and a half hours, I think we will see the teaser

I cant wait that long

i can lol, but they literaly never did say denmark is part of it, they said they will add scanidavian nations, thats done with finland and norwegian, never was it said they will add all, they just spoke broadly

either the teaser is just before the stream or just after imo

Nice try

Nice way to give US mains a heart attack

You got me :(

Now for Germans turn lol


What is Denmark

I’ma keep handing these out