Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

well lets wait for the teaser and lets see what they bring this time, i was hoping for FOX-3s maybe there is still a chance but we have to wait. good night!! or good day! depending in what part of the world you are.


I’ve been behind a desk for nearly a decade now but recently the potential popped up for my employer to renew some of my ratings (SEP/IR/FI) and assign a flying budget since I am still in aviation but then software development. Very happy to get back up into air somewhere towards the end of the year.

Tried to ignore the calling but it’s impossible. Same will go for you so strongly recommend Glider flying unless you get some sort of financial windfall. Powered flight is about 10 times the price but tbh glider flying is more fun. Only getting back into powered flight because it’s more inline with my work and get some work on the side instructing.

Edit, sorry for the off topic. Back to things now.

Trailer when?!

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Hungarian line by itself won’t bring a lot apart from low tiers maybe, but if they also add Romanian stuff, then it will become way more interesting.

Glad to read those good news!!

You are right though, we went a bit off-topic, hahah. My bad! I went off the rails after reading that interview during my emotional roller coaster hours lol

I assume teaser tomorrow, and stream+server on Friday!


Hopefully excited to see if what im coping for is right and also to see how the martels on the new plane work


Im excited but also terrified. Some of the wording in the dev blog makes me think they are only going to function as ASMs and work in the same way as AS-34s do.

Seems awefully… specific. TV Martels would be 100x more effective than Paveways for that role.

Question, watching the Air Superiority trailer at the start you see what looks like maybe a visual update to radar??? Would be a nice looking add if they put it in. Most likely just for the trailer but???

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I just realized, @Shin_Kazama (when you’re awake, or if you are currently), what do you think about the idea of the beautiful Tigershark being a squadron vehicle?? (Might be a possibility… although unlikely… I still feel like they would have announced its preorder by now if it was one)

honestly don’t know how I’d feel about it if it was one, might be better than it being a prem imo, likely less F-20 spammer to give it a bad reputation, but idk man, whatcha think?? Just a random idea that crossed my mind…

(I’d prob purchase it with GE tho anyway haha)

Smin stated they are WIP and we will see on the dev stream so im guessing it will work how it does IRL which will be interesting

Today is the 29th of Feb, any sight of a devblog? devstream?

Thank god. Would be a totally gaijin thing to do, is make the Martels basically useless =

WIP which im guessing its gonna be something new so how it should be IRL

Unless its a leap-update


Yep, we’ll just have to wait and see. Though WIP does also mean it could be rather buggy to use for the first 6 months. I just hope its actually usable in SB and not a total pain in the butt to control


Yeah, also other premiums were correctly marked as pre-order in the leaklest and the F-20 not. Maybe it’ll be a pack but no pre-order but am hoping GE premium. TBH, GE is worthless for me since all the high tier premiums are packs… Atleast for aviation. Been hoarding GE for no use with all the packs I got :/

Of course the leaklist can be wrong and it could end up as whatever but am personally not expecting it to be a pre-order.

We should find astronomical justification for Gaijin to add a leap update now.


Similar thing with the Merkava, really feel like they gotta be GE or something…

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If by November/December they don’t add any worthy GE premiums I’ll prob get some random GE tanks on discount to pair with my aircraft. Got pretty good jets for most nations and loosely browsed ground, which I don’t really play, and saw tanks do get high tier GE premiums.

here’s to hoping the F-20 will be GE though.

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He confirmed that they will work on ground targets.

The question now is how it will work.