Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

gaijin is gonna release the E(AESA) as a premium
F/A-18E(AESE) Sky Hornet McDonell McDouglas has entered the battle*… As a premium

Either way even block 1’s radar should be in line with those of F15/16, nothing groundbreaking, but perfectly fine otherwise.

If the leaks supporting a prem Legacy and TT Super Hornet are true, I can only hope Gaijin does something similar to what they did for the Viggen DI for the Legacy Hornet…

F-18A is SARH + IR, worst engines but 2nd best airframe performance.
F-18C is ARH + IR on 2 more store positions, improved engines making it the best of the F-18 airframes. [This one is necessary to have a TT version.]
F-18E is a McDonalds diet F-18 whose engine improvements don’t outweigh the added 3500 - 4000kg of empty mass, its later versions are AESA and the worst airframe of the F-18s.

AESA has been added to both E and C over the years.

No, hard no. The fact that they’re mixed is how I can tolerate playing the SKR-7.

The fact that they’re mixed is a huge problem precisely due to craft like the SKR-7.
On a downtier, it’s absurdly tanky and fights torpedo boats armed only with twin 40s.
On an uptier, it fights cruisers it basically has no chance against.
Without the modes being mixed, it’d mean those 3.3 PTs (PT-808, VLTs) would actually have a chance of having fun playing the game and it wouldn’t fight bluewater cruisers anymore.
Meanwhile, bluewater would have a full 3.0 more BR to decompress into, without dogwater ships like the Litchfield having to fight off total destruction by rapid-fire cold-war frigates.


air frame just help you to not get cut into half right?

Given the fact I’ve seen an SKR-7 quite happily tank multiple broadsides of SAP and HE from a Belfast… Id say its fairly tanky in an uptier as well

How I would do it. Is if you have only Coastal in your line-up, you only queue for Coastal. (at most you might face reserve destroyers)

But you can still take caostal into bluewater

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This works both ways. The fact that they’re mixed is how absolute majority of 3.0+ coastals can not tolerate playing against reserve destroyers (let alone fletchers and so on) and punch-down death machines like koln, both SKRs etc. The latter ones are top of their respective lines, ok theres that, but USS Sumner for instance? What exactly say Drache (3.7) is gonna do against it?

Oh, yeah. When I was still stock grinding Mitscher, I ran into one and spent a good while pummeling it everywhere I could with HE from both the 5-inch and 3-inch guns… And then it finally went down after a few minutes to another ship.

Yeah, how I’d do it as well.

Actually wild that Gaijin thinks these two should be the same BR…



@Smin1080p_WT will we ever be getting a rework of G-suits? In game G-suits are no where near up to their modern standard and it feels like there is no functional difference between a WW2 G-suit ane a 2000’s G-suit.

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Theoretically yes, as the E trades slightly lower airframe performance for dogfighting compared to the C in exchange for more munitions, fuel, and eventually better systems and missiles.


does airframe matter or just give u less chance to getting cut in half

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And if they weren’t mixed then SKR-7 would exclusively face torpedo boats and be utterly boring to play.

IDK about that, I’ve ate through 3.7 reserve bluewater with my 40mm bofors vessels.

Air frame performance helps with general tactics consistency in air matches.
The overall better an airframe, the easier it is to action tactics.

F-15E and 29SMT have the “worst” airframes above Su-34, making tactics in them harder to accomplish than tactics done in F-15C, Typhoon, Su-27SM, or Rafale as an example. Energy retention being a priority, time to climb being a potential use-case, and of course overall speed.

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It depends, if we’re talking about a C and E dogfighting the C will have a very slight edge, but at the end of the day it would come down to who is the better pilot.

Any hornet model vs pretty much any other top tier though? Outside of a slow speed dogfight with anything outside of a Eurocanard, playing the hornet will be pretty painful as it is going to be much slower than everyone else.


29SMT mentioned RAHHH wtf is low speed maneuverability!!!

phantoms preform better then that brick. No way that thing is correctly modelled haha


If they weren’t mixed in, there’d be far more room for decompression so the SKR could face actual equals on a regular basis.

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You under-estimate F-18’s speed. Its top speed will suffer, but its acceleration will not.
Not only that but its superb energy retention will make it rather easy to use.
It can’t escape much, but it also can’t lose to much.
Like an F-15E will always lose to an F-18C in air RB despite the F-15E being faster.

The Mig-29 airframes were buffed last year, the 29SMT performs about as well as an F-15E now in energy retention.

Eh… All the Mig-29SMT needs to be is a good target drone :P

Lol, yeah I haven’t really used that thing since the Fox-3 update as it wasn’t very fun to drop out of the sky after notching 1 missile.