Funny thing just german efts were already showcased with asraams.
Besides that they wont add them if it aint equaly.
Or just give everyone asraamnor replace them later like they did with uk gripen and the skytemp getting replaced for amraam
Funny thing just german efts were already showcased with asraams.
Besides that they wont add them if it aint equaly.
Or just give everyone asraamnor replace them later like they did with uk gripen and the skytemp getting replaced for amraam
if they get an Australian Super Hornet they have ASRAAM integration
this is why im grinding sweden for gripen E with IRIS-T and meteor
no, their super hornets have AIM-9X, their legacy hornets used ASRAAM
damn US getting them to downgrade shame lol
That move totally wouldn’t upset anyone at all : P
It all comes down to the situation though.
I’m against splitting up Australia anymore, I don’t want to see it become another Canada.
Though I suppose we should take some pride in the fact that the missile we made 5 years earlier is better than the best the US could come up with
and like Quartas said, it was the Legacy that used ASRAAM
for cost and interoperability probably
i wouldnt call the AIM-9X “the best the US could come up with”
Australian stuff should be prioritized for the UK imho
yeah, it was to do with the time and cost of getting the ASRAAM integrated on a new airframe, I bet the US gave them a nice deal on 9Xs as well to sweeten the pot
yeah mixed them up, a legacy hornet event plane for like the UK and a super hornet for the US could work, i doubt it tho
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they do use existing AIM-9 parts, so naturally cheaper and easier to work with for air forces that have been using US weapons (im fairly certain australia did use AIM-9 before)
other way around would make more sense
The ASRAAM? Not anymore they don’t
no, i mean the 9X
why would it be the other way around? the legacy hornet uses british AAMs why would we get the one with american AAMs
na its just fun to talk about the drama that will come in the future lol