also outranges the tomahawk significantly
still enough to wipeout multiple ships
Was wondering abt a lil.
Can you comment on when this might be resolved?
doesnt tomohawk have range upwards of 1000km?
not in airburst (which is what that shell will do)
Ah right, so is it gonna be an Indian Shilka or Tunguska?
What would the counterplay be?
Test baker is 23 kilotons btw, and this is what it looked like.
15 kilotons, while is less, still wouldn’t be substantially less powerful.
Wasnt that an airburst as well
test baker was underwater detonation. far more deadly vs. ships than an airburst
Baker was underwater.
Kinda looks like one of those chocolate spheres.
Ah, it’s the TASM that is outranged, the nuclear Tomahawks are land attack missiles, they do out range, but you’d probably struggle to hit a moving target like a ship
it had 32 of them. could probably launch a spread around predicted location
Test able still sank 5 ships with an airburst detonation
At that point you’re just playing battleships xD
an april fools based on that movie would be crazy
32 nuclear tomahawks for a single target, sick idea mr MacArthur himself
Pretty sure the tomahawks on the Iowa cant target moving seaborne ships those would be a different variant.