Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

You do realise if the montana was added it had exactly the same guns as an iowa when planned, and if you really think yamato would be durable you are mistaken, her armor really isnt as thick as it looks

It’d be basically the same, just one more turret. So the firepower would equal. Is you know Yamato has 18 inch guns.

The main vertical belt of the Strasbourg was reinforced by 60mm more or less compared to its sistership to make it more competitive against the Scharnhorst class. It sits at 283mm instead of 225mm. The rest remained the same.


Yes, i do know, and this may shock you but the king George v class is better protected than a yamato class

You telling me the Scarnhorst is more durable than? The Yamato, the most heavily armored battleship in history.

TIALD is said to be 320x240, Litening II is 320x256 and later variants of Litening II increased the resolution to 640x512 and that is placed around 2003.

The armor was multiple smaller plates so was less effective than a continuous belt

You are forgetting the Gaijin-factor here.

Look at Rodney and how easy it is to sink her

Which made some spots very weak to torpedos…

And shellfire but she was never engaged by surface gunfire

unlikely to be modeled in as a factor

Yamato used single piece armor, her possible succesor was to have 2 piece armor plate.

None of what you have said justifies paper shjps or nuclear ammunition

Majority of countries would just get curb stomped By the Yamato.

Maybe, honestly, we need a beta to test it

The solution to that is not to give only 1 nation a shell type that would literally one shot everything

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Ok you are making it sound like these pods were viewing things in 8bit. LATRIN had an effective range for target acquisition of about 25,000 feet.

The solution is adding competitors.

We need to consult minsk shipyard for the HMS conqueror and HMS minatour to deal with that yamato


Which you can actually do without adding paper ships