Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

They can limit number of nuke shells. Iirc they made special storage for them so maybe just have limited amount

Where do you think the preformance of these systems actually lie?

ijn yamato will completely demolish teams

That’s not what he means. It’s that generally, gaijin increase thermals resolution artificially

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And nuke shells wont?

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Max 1

Or gulf war refit with ciws and tomahawks

See why montana should be added

Anyway, speaking of naval


Type 45 when :P


The range is also grossly overexaggerated

Which is type 45

Lie as in lay. Not lie as in deceive.

No, was never started and the nuke shells arent needed in the slightest

Pretty sure they mean this one

No, I’ve seen 19 (operationally, 10 real and 9 practice) shell numbers

My bad, misunderstood

The ship, the Heli is a lynx

If you think that Scarnhorst op because of how durable it is. Wait until you see a yamato
added Even better guns in the Scarn Horst and more survival.til you see the Yamato.

What range are you saying it is supposed to be?

Sure aslong as AI cant spawn it