Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Strike eagle could probably carry like 20 of those. They have a Tri seeker motor and are turbojet powered. So huge range, capacity and precision. 20 kills per plane ez. I would like to see weapons like that in air RB and air sim

I’ve seen too much on these Forums and I can no longer distinguish sarcasm xD

No. It was a tech demonstration aircraft. It’s literally the Russian EAP. And since the EAP’s been denied…


untill ERA comes into game, aswell that IR weapons can re-lock onto smth else

CIWS for everyone when?

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The thing is at top tier their normally isn’t the time for rearming and even then the 12 with rearm is less than 18. The quantity is what makes Brimstones good and why its far more likely to get a nuke in the EFT compared to other CAS.

You for there are two sets of rules though, one for Soviet/Russian vehicles and one for everyone else )))))

Crying Gif

Or maybe for Israel?



Please snail Israel legit only has a 9.7 for top tier… (also maybe a sneaky sub tree)


Regardless- effortlessly launching 12 weapons that can track and execute 12 enemies independently is still way more efficient than having to sweat your butt off to hopefully get 1 kill every 30 seconds.

Every tree that has one can get their mobile land based CIWS and every nation (even if they have a mobile one) gets the option to spawn in a stationary CIWS (similar to how everyone gets access to a strike drone)

As we stated in the last CM disclosures, yes.


some say PL-8 is assembled Python-3, A is fully domestic, and B is improved.
others say A is slightly improved.

PL-8 is restricted, can’t export

When the Russian tanks get thermals because one got a massive thermal imager slapped on the front of it as a single test in 1986
When Challenger 2 doesn’t have a good mantlet because “We believe…”


“We don’t believe that Stingers could perform better than Iglas”


can we see new spaas in the coming major?

I love how they modelled the hollow CAVITIES in which the breech trunnion pins are meant to be inserted, yet they did not model such pins.

So we got a hollow mantlet with a floating breech because they decided that we can’t have a tank not to be one-shot every time it’s hit on the mantlet.



Im more concerned about the mantlet rn, as for some reason it decided to push it outwards and upwards



Field Standard Rapier(s) for the US?
