Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Israel can join Japan in that

At least the Type 81 is still much better and more fun than having to use the Imp. chaparral lmao

I mean the pantsir is the only 12.0 so every nation doesn’t have a top teir spaa

The simple fact that gave italy a gecko SPAA somehow is nice for italy but you are saying they cant possible see giving japan the adats which is american ?

Also Italy, unless you consider the OSA or OTOMATIC to be top tier SAM

THe ito 90m is pretty much that

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What? Japan has nothing to do with the ADATS

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  • israel and china have missiles with similar and in some regards better capabilities than what US could have before the 9X and its not china and israel fault for having access to that is US fault is simple as that.

  • none of the things i´ve said are fallacy´s when i enumerated all the missiles in game with same or better technology than a Python-4 you didnt answered soo… you didnt proved that am wrong, no information, no valid points from you just arguing the missiles is or are “too strong” thing that you most likely just heard or read from some uneducated people that repeats fallacy´s like parrots at the point that they even believe in their own lies.

  • english is not my first lenguage soo… am still practicing.

  • no one insulted or instigated, you just created that feeling in your head on purpose to evade what we are really talking, dont play the victim now just say that you dont have the information/sources to keep debating about the missiles and the discussion ends here. :)


I consider the osa to be a radar requipped missle launcher which is better then japan and israel currently have

Not even close VT1 are worthless past 8km, most 10.x CAS can fight outside the ITO/Flarakrad range

Neither does Italy have anything to do with the OSA

I feel this is something people miss when it comes to really anything modern. Gameplay is priority and some things have to be ahistorically nerfed. Which is something to note not only for people having misguided expectations but also that it’s not off limits when it comes to suggestions.


Hungarian subtree is a myth.

But somehow, they got it becaus hungry has it

Unlikely. Japan never had ADATS and Thai ADATS is stationary boxes. While the launcher could technically function independently loaded on a vehicle, that is already a stretch and would still lack a search radar.

Is it lol

They never existed clearly we are all dreaming

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Yeah and italy never had a osa moving on

Hungary is their subtree and Romania is part of the minor-axis nations, which all belong to Italy according to Gaijin

There is the ItO 90M at 12.0 too