Wheres the F-2 gaijin… hrmmm
That was remarkably short
No F-2, only US / USSR slop flying around… And not even too interesting of a teaser past that either.
Probably the biggest missed opportunity in Gaijin history, hope the update is less mid than the teaser.
There’s a second teaser coming? (It is pretty short…)
no, its when there is the marine one i think its the hornet idk
Ah, the 2s19
And remarkably shite
As expected F-2 and J-11B get zero screen time lol
yeah my bad i noticed now
no EC-665 Tigre HAD/E? wasted time…
No TVC Su-30!??
Yep, pretty sad…
F-16 Reveal still on top.
They showed TVC quite clearly
It does have tvc
Watch it AGAIN
Honestly think i could’ve gone without that trailer, that was basically worthless. Not even trying to fit a few more nations is just pathetic
it has it
No SU-25 reveal?