Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

SHAR FA2 is not a “turd”, its a great plane, people just refuse to use it well imo.


Hey, I play the Sea Harrier FA.2 and I’ve wanted to have it for a long time

Not really a need to guess. Many who mostly focus on a singular nation in game believe they “suffer” and everyone else is significantly “better off”. To the point where even when highly requested vehicles are added for that nation, they are brushed off as “oh well it’s not X so it’s pointless” or “well this should have come 4 years ago”.


the launcher is a fully functioning unit by itself and doesnt need a radar vic to engage targets, not to mention the ammo thing is no longer an issue with the introduction of the Ammo boxes for SPAAs

There really is no need to fill such specific gaps in ARB though.


do not insult my boy

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It’s not so much a case of priority issues, simply some nations do not have pure fighter aircraft options at all BRs. Some elected for more universal aircraft or went very long periods of time with a singular or couple of older types before taking a large jump to a much more sophisticated platform. Like the British going form Phantoms and Tornado F.3 to Typhoon.


en,but i really think wirh its 9.7 body but stay in 13.0 it unsuitable

Now this is definitely where all the conspiracies and schizophrenic rantings come.

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no leak and no dev blog make godvana go something something…


It has AMRAAMs, a great radar and plenty of countermeasures. Sure it probably is the worst 13.0, but that is a compression problem.

i think you should ask for gszabi99

We have had a dev blog though


be confident ,just the worst

Make it more pixelated…

it needs another radar vehicle, the thing on mast is a datalink antenna or fire control radar. It can work alone doesn’t mean it’s complete, like the Type 81C.

SLAMRAAM can also work alone but I think most people will consider it a multi-vehicle system.

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And? It’s still a cool plane to have.