Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Nah they’ll rush it out like how they did with the Christmas one.

I reckon week after next for the update, but I agree with everything else

(hopefully a decently length dev server for a lot of fixes)


no need, there’s no major holiday to rush it for, the only deadline is the subsequent June update really, maybe Easter, but that is end of April

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To be specific, FC-31 went through three different iterations; the first variant resembled a DSI raptor and wasn’t very refined because of lack of funding, but as PLAAF/PLANAF interest grew, the v2 and v3 variants of the FC-31 went through major aerodynamic alterations such as redesigned vertical stabilizers and cockpit hump. Eventually, PLAAF and PLANAF officially began to fund the project. Before this, Shenyang developed the FC-31 as a private venture.

After a couple of years of silence, J-35 emerged which incorporated some of the aspects of the v2/v3 FC-31, but the J-35 is much larger than the original FC-31, and at this stage can be considered an entirely new fighter.

J-35 was further refined into J-35A (fitting the requirements for the air force) while a separate version for the navy was being developed for carrier use, just called J-35. J-35A was revealed last year, while J-35 showed up only a couple of weeks ago.

So to conclude, there are:
FC-31 v1
FC-31 v2
FC-31 v3

J-35 → J-35A (prototype) and J-35 (prototype)

This all happened in the span of about 10 years, Shenyang definitely had more trouble than Chengdu developing the J-20, which is not surprising since the FC-31/J-35 did not receive government funding until years into its development, as well as the need for the platform to fulfill both land and carrier use.


No gameplay improvement update(most probably)



Just gonna post this here and leave, see yaa guys good night!


All that remains is to add an AMX 13-105 and the modified version like the Singaporean or Indonesian one.

Now that WT mobile exists the ads aren’t exactly stellar.

I’ve seen some very weird ones.



Is it unusually early? For the last year and a half the wait between first devblog and the teaser dropping has been 10 days or less, and it usually happens on a Thursday so it was either this Thursday for 6 days, or next Thursday for 13, even a Monday Teaser at 10 days would be relatively late, so it would seem to be right at the expected time, rather than early

In fact, the average number of days between the first devblog and the teaser for the last year and a half is 6.75 days, so Thursday or Friday would be the expected days for it to drop

When there isnt an event I usually spent more time listening to war thunder OSTs than actually playing the game, theyre well tuned for reading literatures fror the next seminar

Ahh man I can’t take another Friday off 😭

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I’d already booked next Monday off, kinda lucky timing if the dev server is open then :)


I wonder if in the next patch Soviet tanks will still absorb damage from ATGMs? It gets ridiculous when one hits the side and two hits the front and there are solid hits, when the armor is at most 300 mm against an ATGM with armor penetration of over 600 mm.
Snails, huh???

@Smin1080p_WT Any chance you could pass this report along?

Game freezing and completely unresponsive when alt-tabbing

The issue itself has been going on for over a year now with numerous reports which seem to have been abandoned. It completely ruins the game making it crash and become unresponsive after you go back to the game window after being on anything or even just pressing the windows key.

I have tried everything I can think of on a player end to fix the issue but it seems to be something fundamental within the game which would need to be looked at by a dev.


It’s the magic ERA

Well I should be back just before it starts as I can finish either at 12 or 1 PM

Yeah, on the T-55 or IS-3)))))) Especially on the sides, in the area between the rollers)))

Ive been getting this a lot recently

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Why have there only been 1 dev a day?