Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

April 2025.

Left mouse button to say hello.

Mahcine gun button to wave.

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yea, I thought also something in that direction

Why is there someone flagging stuff from May 6th-8th now lmao

What’s up with people?


That’s still going on?! Jeez. Some people either can’t handle proper criticism or just doing it like its a 9-5 Job like why?

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just noticed it
why TF has the Forum more keybinds than some Game???


That has been happening recently. Someone is bored enough to do it manually or to make a bot doing so

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I dared to mention that the reason why Soviet Union has so many vehicles is directly due to the quantity of their designs.

Hidden for off-topic.

not realy an argument when other countries like germany, china or even france have just as many designs but less then russia

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Yea yea flag my stuff now the threads closed, cowards

Well I was expecting the event ship dev blog but now I’m intrigued.

I say it has something to do with the Pixel stuff

Well we gotta wait for now. But that got everyone’s attention that’s for sure.

Rb rework rb rework rb rework.



What if it could be new pilot models or something?

It could be many things.

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A nation main screaming about bias towards another nation, so suprising lol.

i mean, russia having 3 ground premiums already and then getting a 4th one directly after already getting a new one last patch is a bit unfair aint it.
Thats not me starting with the squadrons on top of that

It’s just that it’s not Russian bias but money bias.

Want more top tier premiums for Germany for example, better convince your fellow German mains and people playing Germany to buy more German top tier premiums.

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thats the thing i am still convinced that at least german ground is a big money maker

A long awaited new game mode, perhaps?