Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Right image this time.

Mainly you have to wait until you fight germany in a full uptier if you play 7.7 or just wait until 9.3


Also, the XM800T can swim, that’s neat I guess!

(If only more maps allowed vehicles to make use of this unique feature)

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ofc a danish or norwegian subtree would be better, but yeah even the finnish subtree has Some stuff that could’ve ben added but they still didn’t even if it’s copy paste stuff like the Mig21 F13 that was needed so much since 9.0-9.3 sweden is so depresseing.

Also, the XM800T can swim, that’s neat I guess!

Then gaijin be like: What are you talking about it can’t swim. lol

The rcv p was me watching waiting choosing targets with less then 60mm armor and what i can kill quickly that doesnt have a 50 cal

I think it’s that, I mean the F-5 airframe was always gonna in the premium section so eh.


Ah, Okay thank you.

Danish Super Sabre would be neat at 9.3


What a lovely skin that is.

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dude this camo is insane.

“B-but it needs preparation!?!?!” XD


At least it’s a variant not in game yet. And with the extra Dutch mods it makes it a variant of a variant.

It’s mostly that with their liquid definition of C&P.

Like with those that say “looks the same it’s C&P”. (yes I met someone like that)

ngl this would help more than a mig21F13, the thing is based on gaijins devs or testers idrk but important guys that norway and denmark are considered similar to stuff like the South African vehicles in the British tech tree but the only time we saw a representation of such vehicles in swedish TT is in premium sections.

Yeah I will still stand by saying this: Don’t underestimate them or they will bite back.

I believe they should add “preparation” as a modification. Anything that can float should.

Now that I think about all Norwegian vehicles being premiums, IIRC they haven’t said anything about whether that’s a definite rule or just coincidence.

Iirc from something i asked before is that norwegian vehicles are to be premium only so F in chat for sweden getting any cool additions to air from Norway. Would be cool to have the flag split into the 4 flags of DK, fin, Nor, and swed. Imo id rather it be a nordic tree since thats really what it is.


No, not better than nothing. Arguably worse than nothing.

Wow some one hates a sub tree

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Can you clarify, nothing else in terms of options or nothing else that currently exists in-game?