We are all friends here and we can hold our hand together and sing where our E…
Yeah i me too especially the So.6020 espadon
whats that
Nicholas Cage mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️ (what even is bad acting)
You know, I complained of this the better part of a year ago and a bunch of people got really mad that I dared to say it.
Hopefully there’s some more news soon hehehe, my eagle eyes locking in ;)
Belgian f-16 with magics
Soo, midnight teaser again :)?
A cool one too indeed
No sir, please no
God no that was torture
What do you mean guys? Dont you love to end the day with a teaser?
would distract me from trying to fix warthunder opening on my secondary monitor and not capturing my mouse
just linux things :tm:
Comment pass revoked
I like to end the day with sleep, not torture.
What is sleep?
Well, you at least have a second monitor :) pain
Something you don’t do if you have all the vehicles in game