Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I just watched a leclerc faze out of existence so I literally couldnt fight back that was fun

Probably a good chance for the F15 dov bleg i imagine but who knows


Volksmarine Minesweeper with Strela-2M SAM

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In the UK we have a law called the Freedom of Information Act. Basically everyone has the right to ask the government for information, and the government has to either give them the information or give a suitable reason why they will not release the information.

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Given that it’s fairly early for dev blogs, I am expecting there will be another today

WTF are strela-2s even supposed to hit at this BR? Wyverns?

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Pe-8 maybe :/

they will be able to detect most planes so pretty much anything that flies that gets within like 5km

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Finally a boat!

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hitting is another thing tho

wont be that hard to hit 4.0s lol since sure they can pull pretty hard but are very slow

but you know how IR missiles are when they need to impact stuff(they can miss a plane flying straight not manuvering)

But unlike strela-1 and -10s, they dont have photo ID.

Somehow manages to lock the Strelas on a PG-02

They don’t need it to hit prop aircraft. All aspect seekers have no issue picking up piston planes, just with a reduced range depending on signature, same as every aircraft.

Fun fact… these SAM systems were mounted on the back of Robur LO 1800 trucks and UAZ-3151 by East Germany:

Screenshot 2024-05-29 212139




Knowing Gaijin’s implementation of naval missiles they’ll be used against other ships like the USS Douglas. Maybe have to get them burning first for this one.

Ah yes this things

BTW, on the topic of East German stuff, Strela-10? Perhaps? I know they have a handful of missileless BMP-2s and I guess they are good for 8.0 too.

I always want to see more East German stuff, especially the T-55AM2B, which is a modification unique to East Germany. But I don’t want to turn this into wishlisting ^^