Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That isn’t even a gameplay mechanic yet, as far as I know

I can’t answer that. This is something you would file a bug report for.

This is not an F-16 specific feature. It is an entirely seperate munition, which has yet to be added to the game.

I agree. They didn’t fix the thermal pods as quickly as they should have.

we do?

HARD 3D (OR PS-91 in local designation) on ASRAD-R. ASRAD get the same scan pattern as low elevation electronically steered radars in the game.


fair enough i guess

some PESA radar’s too

Sorry, i missermembered it, anemone is PESA

Imagine Japan gets a second Typ 81 with its missing ARH Missiles( or they get added to the existing one).
No Space CAS anymore and less problems with IR locking at long range with minimal clouds.

Nato aircraft since 2000 ~ october 2003 not integrated 5th gen IR seeker & HMD

I assume it might F-16CM Block 50 CCIP refit 2007 or 2010

I could swear the C we have is from 2006

My mistake! I did not want to claim it was a more recent F-16 than necessary for the conversation’s sake.

It’s possible the refit happened later than 2003

According to the (ancient) F-16 website, the CCIP stage that included the HMD would start in 2003, so I went with that year to be safe.

I just woke up from siesta, and wow!

I don’t play Russia, but seeing SU-27SM is a beautiful sight. Another PRESENT DAY plane ingame…

Remember many years ago, when such planes were just something people could only dream?


Eh, I’m still waiting on a number of 50s planes.


But so many 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s planes that aren’t in the game yet. ;-;


Considering that they just skipped a bunch of planes (like the F-106 Delta Dart) I’d honestly rather be back in those days. Not knowing that they’d skip so many aircraft just for a quick buck.

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my guy the 2A4M is a domestic canadian option the T90S isnt domestic

so let me get this right the 2A4M shouldnt come because its in BR were the UK already has 2 tanks? okay then we dont need the T90S or the Arjuin as we already have 2 10.3s and thus is not required, and I dont see why if we cant get a domestic tank variant from canada why we have to get a shitty copy of a 2a4 from india

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The quick buck is for a reason, though!

Way, way more people are interested in F-15C than there are for F-106, for example.

Another example: remember how demanded F-105 was by the time it was released? So many people claiming that they needed it and that it was essential for the game…

Yet, as of now, it barely has 130 matches registered this month on Thunderskill, while F-15A, on the other hand, has 3,700 matches registered on the same timeframe.

(And yes, I know ThunderSkill is only a limited playerbase sample, but that’s how surveying works anyway. It may not be 100% precise, but it’s a valid orientative tool, specially when the differences in data are so huge.)

I don’t think 2A4M should go to Britain, but… how can you claim that it’s less unique than T-90S?

T-90S is literally T-90A limited to 3BM42 and two extra blocks of Kontakt 5;

Meanwhile, Leopard 2A4M is a Leopard 2A4 with:

-3rd generation gunner thermals.
-3rd generation commander thermals.
-Upper front plate MEXAS module.
-Unique add-on armor package around the turret front and sides.
-Additional hull side armor.
-Slat armor (optional).


Plenty of players wanted Gaijin to move on to modern combat asap. It had always been the (far-fetched) dream since the first few years of the game. It’s hard to please everyone.

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Part 4 before the teasers ?


Tomorrow will be boat, so i think we shouldnt spam

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