Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

No, Austria built it and Austrian vehicles were supposed to go to Germany.

Never thought I’d see the day where I’d be called a wehraboo.

that day has come tho

Czechoslovakia + Poland with Ukraine sub tt would be goated.

But then there would be the…I cant be mean…people that would say that it would be just copy and paste russian vehicles.

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Maybe for high/top tier but most have unique mods so you can’t really call them C&P

Yeah. Like our Czech T-72M4CZ. Slovakian Moderna, Polish PT-91 Twardy, T-84 Oplot. And those just MBTs, there also also a LOT of light vehiccles, IFV, jets and so on

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Hungary should have never come to italy. It should have been spain instead.

All of eastern Europe should have been one tree.


Visegrat TT was possible…hell Spain or even Romania…but no Gaijin did a Gaijin thing

Italy is still unofficially the minor axis tree, they’re now the only ones with Romania as France previously had a helicopter before it was removed.

Yea you’re making it worse by doing stuff like this.

If you stop baiting comments like this then we won’t get annoyed.

Simple maths

It’s like screaming at a park because everyone is talking to each other


acting like anyone but you thought this


or complaining about loud music while you’re at a concert


Odd because bar a few jokes the only ones I see asked for it are the Anglosphere Dominions.(Canada, Australia and New Zealand).

Are would have rather those nations over what they got (South Africa, India) but would rather get domestic stuff even more.

“Rattled pot to kettle” much?
Aren’t you baiting other people with C&P?

Which the last two still got major connection to Britain but that against the narrative : P

Isnt Canada still techincally still under the King?


All 3 of them technically. more than the nations you guys got.

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I was jokingly referring to the flags lol

Eh I would say the US mains on reddit slightly beat them out. But british mains are a solid second place with either German or French mains as third.

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Honestly i 100% agree with them. They just complain so much and act like theyre so persecuted it gets really irritating.

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I mean considering he just said that without context nor replied to a comment since.
He’s defo trolling to get a reaction plus he hasn’t been on here since the 14th

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