Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah I feel so bad for UK players that they get ARH on a jet they already have, unlike other nations who have to grind another 400K for basically the same plane with different armament.

With such a low standard state of mine, you should apply to Gaijin. They’ll love you.


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the FA2 might be fun wont be able to compete against F15Cs Su27SMs and JAS39s

just gotta hope for a low BR on this one

what do you expect? 11.7?

I know right damn shame our ARH missiles are the worst of the ones being added right?

UK Gripen is the only thing in the game that can use R-Darter afaik and the Fox-3 blog said R-Darter was coming, so it’s basically confirmed.

As for the SHar FA.2, it’ll (likely) be the lowest BR Fox-3 carrier, so I’ll be waiting to see what BR it lands at (as well as seeing how the R-Darter performs on dev rather than basing my opinions on a months-old testing session) before complaining :P

I am quite confused about the MiG-21 Bison though, I was kind of expecting it to be added as a rank 8 premium but the more recent leak makes it seem like it’ll be tech tree… Maybe it’s meant to be a Fox-3 carrier that bridges the gap between the FA.2 and the Gripen?

i would bet same br as f4f ice

maybe 11.7 could be fun it is a gen 1 harrier airframe tho so maybe lower to 11.3 since the sea harriers are 10.3 and 10.7 but eh idk

Leak list why J-11A instead of J-11B?

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the test server was clearly work in progress, besides it’s still a Gripen

so an 11.3 Missile slinger can be very fun

we’ll have to wait til Dev server to see that

mf when its 12.0 or 12.3

I highly doubt it will be lower than 12.3 due to AMRAAM

eh idk about that, the ICE will probably still carry more missiles and its supersonic after all, those are big advantages

That was the Dr.I (and I do very much want WWI planes), the G.I is this super cool WWII twin-boom heavy fighter.

I know just feels bad the UK gets shafted for BVR again, we havnet had competitive BVR since AIM7E2s were the best BVR in game lol

yea I don’t think they’ll be that bad

then its DOA its sub sonic and a first gen harrier airframe so wont be able to keep up in the turn

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Only downside of FA.2 is that it’s based on Gen 1 airframe
Sadly that means short wingspan and really poor turn rate