Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

To the C&P haters, you have voiced your opinion people may not agree with it.
But if you got nothing else to add than please move on, thank you.


I prefer a good TT, so for me the Vextra in the TT is what we need. We need light top tier vehicle that are not premium.

Not sure that’s possible (to my knowledge at least)

What happened to the MiG21 Bison shown in the previous leaks? We are getting MiG 21 UPG now.

Bison is just another name for the UPG


This will be the first vehicle from MWT to come to WT it seems:

It 's a little strange to me that vehicles from there would be coming researchable before the ones from WT Mobile. But maybe they’re not - it 's only the first day of devblogs after all.

That 's unlikely:

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ah ok

Similarly, I’ve been here since the beginning, and all I’ve noticed from patch to patch is an increase in copy-paste content.

However, we’re still expected to achieve 400k per vehicle for the same gameplay experience. Additionally, the premiums offer no significant advantage over their tech tree counterparts. (in regards to unique domestic options, not capabilities - don’t want it to be pay to win!)

Personally, I find this frustrating.

While I’m not against using existing content, I dislike the lack of creativity and the absence of unique domestic alternatives.

Researching the 9th Leo or the 6th F-16 has become tiresome, and I’m disappointed with the current development approach.

Despite my frustrations, I remain a loyal supporter of the game, but cracks are starting to show

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The f15C could carry 2 more dual missile pylons giving it an extra 2 IR missiles. Do you think they will model it making have the same amount as the su27?

Jokes aside, I agree. A bad pack premium can always be replaced with a better one.
I just really don’t want the Dutch to be our top tier pack premium.

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they did on the test server because it was AIM120As and R77s, also jumping to R77-1s and AIM-120Cs isnt the play here, hopefully they nerf the AAM-4 and Mica a bit to keep them in line with the early ARH missiles

Wasn’t Magic 2 in game before IRCCM was introduced?
Basically acting as an “all aspect Magic 1”?

so you mean DDR is not Deutschland?
subtree is welcome for enhance the maintree, but what are these?
If we need enhance France tree then add the things in suggestion and fix France Vehicle by issues they passed.
If for uniqueness to add subtree, then why leo2s why f5? why f16s? are these. Are these the characteristics of Benelux?

Eh ? I have stuff to say and learn hence why I’m looking foward to the Fokker G.1.

But spamming this thread about C&P over and over again is just put’s a filter on people and won’t take you seriously.

I’ve seen people claim the Benelux will be 100% copy paste. that not facts it’s misinformation and emotional spam.

If people want to learn what the difference between the NF-5 & the F-5’s then that fine.
But not what I said above and in the previous comment.


the mica is going to barely have any range compared to the rest, the only cancerous thing it has is the tvc, and as an r73 enjoyer i can tell you that can also be its biggest shortcoming lmao
bvr wise the mica might actually be worse than both of those

But you have ear Gaijin, Leclercs tank are gods among others MBTs: people can have premium Abrams, or premium Leopards 2s, or premium Challengers, T-series etc… But Leclercs are somewhat too advanced to be a premium so we have to wait the other countries that don’t know how to build good tanks have premiums and we probably should only have as options some of this low cost leopards things, because choosing among the 6 pre-prod/leclercs proto as premium would still put them ahead of the others countries choice, somehow.

(This was BIG sarcasm toward the way Gaijin act, just in case.)

maybe? honestly Im waiting for the EFT since it can carry 10-12 missiles with out needing any dual pylons so isnt sacrificing space for drag reduction

at least give the tornado the C-5 so its not as depressing to play

isn’t what I’m doing exactly like copy paste ???

same principle, different medium.

You have a right to say what you will, same as other people on this forum as well, its not 1 way


again on the test server it wasnt, the problem with derby and R-darter is how high they loft