Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yes I misread, I appear to be even stupider than normal today (this is like the 4th thing I got wrong)

We will see, were they denied or are they forwarded as a suggestion? If it’s the latter could very well see them now that ARHs are turning up

So… the only two unique MBTs are Premium, and the other two MBTs are copy-pastes

Doesn’t seem like a great update for MBT enthusiasts for now xD

Unless they dedicate it to fixing the currently needed and underperforming ones! In that case, they would feel like new tanks lol.

Not forwarded as suggestion, just rejected

its okay we all have bad days

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to be fair, we should have expected this update to be very much air-to-air focused from the get go

tbh im fine with MBTs taking a back seat I need that desert warrior please

Not sure why Gaijin doesn’t add the LAV6 or the Australian boxer for GB, there is already other tanks like them in game and it would fill a long awaiting gap for top tier

Hey friends, is this leaked list real or fake?

why is it such bad quality also was already posted like 30minutes ago


My god. Imagine if it gets them next patch lolololol

They SHOULD REMOVE BENELUX or give it to anyone who likes, FRANCE don’t need these C&P trashes.
I am here to play French things, EBRC, Leclerc, Mirage, RAFALE, not F16 and Leo2s.Throw them away from France tech tree!!!

They never know how i wish to see the FIX of Leclerc, the Leclerc(P), the Mirage 3NG, the EBRC, the Fix of helis.

And now they tell me we will get a Mirage5 with AIM9 and Flares(what a interesting load i’ve never see it in Warthunder!),F5 (wow~), tons of Leos(how about give the LeoA7? so i dont need Leclercs ), F16s, then all things i mentioned made in France will come later or maybe never be there. I can’t be grateful more.Thanks gaijin, first time add so much things for France in one update.


it would be moved up in br lol



So Germany does need the C+P trash? Lol


That leak is likely just a bit more than half of all that’s gonna be added

I would be fine with it if top tier wasn’t getting plagued by MBT imbalance.