Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Oh god. Its gunna be cancer as a premium. But at least it can be ignored.

On the TT means wasting 1.2mil SL on it so I can research whatever comes after it.

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the antelope

I mean… You ain’t wrong on that, I should of seen that one coming tbh lol.

The lazy copy paste is what makes it so believable lmao

also the Bison isnt a premium what???

hehe funny truck.

list is fake 100%

that can’t be true, it just can’t

That is shocking to say the least.

I think its still in development for the meteor

Underwhelmed by ARH missiles, the map-rotation and game-modes are not currently fit to handle it. Not to talk about the diamond that is BR compression

The can of worms that opens. At least if india is stuck as SQVs, and Premiums. A lot of things get eliminated and we might maintain our TT a little longer.

But as a TT aircraft…

Good bye most of our native aircraft

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it properly is

oh is it? i thought I seen a thing about the ASEA on the meteor was now in service wacky

Outside lazy copy pasta, it would be nice for the vextra (not as premium so big yes for me) and the VTL2 could be nice too

2x40mm bofor, 2x20mm, 2x torp

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are those boats?

if they are then French Fishing boat tree is confirmed

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neat little boat seems like it will play like the late american and british torp boats with 2 bofors and 2 20mm (the british one just having 4 torps and no 20mms)

FOKKER G1, awwww yeah

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Which Churchill AVRE is being added?
Early one with spigot mortar or later one with 165mm cannon?

VLT 2 is indeed a boat (cf picture), but it’s the only boat on this list.

No one:

French mains once they see French Costal fleet is being added to WT:
