Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Those poor bombers…

Though I think I’d prefer Sea-Dart on a Type 21 for that.

They built one and a half guns for A-150.
That’s why I said kinda vague, because… well, its only 1 and a half guns, but it does seem to fit with Gaijins official statements.

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while more effective doesn’t got the charm of a wall of flak clouds

they better damn well not. Otherwise I’ll start living up to both my name and reputation.

1 and a half? why half? I mean alright, fair enough.

  • Sea Dart
  • Type 21

Morv are you having a stroke, that’s Seacat, and that thing is awful. It would be the worst anti anything we have in naval.

Its a Sea-Something :D

And would be enough to shoot down WW2 heavy bombers

HMS Minotaur had at least 2 of her turrets fully built since they were used on HMS Tiger

? The research I did with PL-12 put it at AIM-120B equivalent.
Then again, English sources.
Also we haven’t used these missiles yet.
We used very preliminary missiles that can’t be used as the final product.

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The damn thing has a range of 5,500 yards. You’d want Sea Slug on County Class

Or better still Aster 30 on Type 45 Sea Dart on Type 42


“Construction was halted with the start of the Pacific War at which time the first gun was having its breech fitted and the second gun completed up to the 4A tube. The gun mount and the fittings were mostly complete but unassembled.”

Keep in mind that these were 20.1" (51cm) guns, and there is some debate over how the ships would’ve actually been configured (although Yamato with three, two gun, turrets seems to be most likely).
A ship that really shouldn’t be added but since a component was made its fair game.

never treat bad to china lol, look at the drone they got, you need 1k rp for the akd 10,while others only need 700to get the equivalent one, so it’s not surprising that gaijin will make pl12 a junk

Allegedly the Chinese government stated it has a range of more than AIM-120A/B and on par with C.

Also, Derby, MICA, AIM-120, and maybe some other missiles had reports done on them. PL-12 has no open reports, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t change. AAM-4 is coming late, and the fact that its coming with early iterations of fox 3s makes me think they’re not adding an AIM-120C equivalent missile.

Already makes me think its probably actually worse than Aim-120A irl then.

But yeah, a lot of the reports got closed.



on a serious note, 510mm? the hell? did they not think “you know we could just make an aircraft carrier?”

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Early? MICA EM ain’t early.
Granted, outside of extra BVR range, AIM-120C’s not much of an improvement.
We also know we’re getting at least AIM-120B due to international sales.

Does the AAM4 that is coming to game have a better radar than the AMRAAMS that are coming?

Question, anyone know if any of the JH-7 variants can carry PL-12? Cuz that would be straight busted


MICA EM is a solidly 90’s missile. Introduced into service in 1996. You could argue PL-12 isn’t early though.

To my understanding it does improve range like you said, which is enough to call it an improvement. Also to my understanding is that AIM-120B will bring nothing different functionally to the game compared to AIM-120A just as AIM-7M compared to AIM-7F. Correct me if I’m wrong.