Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I can’t find any proof it has HMD?


it wont get them trust me

and what am I watching exactly

that’s because it doesn’t have one

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IRIS-T has a 90± degree seeker gimbal to my understanding, so its possible to LOBL, wait until the drone is right at the edge of the gimbal and then fire it off, giving the illusion of “tracking” a plane behind it.


Thanks for confirming

So… French coastal since probably not a lot people are waiting for that, specially when we can have announcements for BeNeLux, fox3 and other awaited vehicle? x)

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my money is on some random low tier not everyone is gonna care about


Not surprising, 90% of them are :(

Still disappoingint though. A shame hahah. We’ve been waiting for so long at this point!

my point exactly

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1.3 premium boat

There is some low tier i really wish to see ingame ~

AMX13 with 105.
M4 105 in smaller size :p


Yep. I love how many people are like: “Gaijin should stop focusing on high tiers and go back to focusing on low tiers!”

But then the truth arises; new high tier vehicles have thousands of matches every month, while the “highly anticipated and needed low tier” has <100 registered matches every month.

For example: remember all the rambling for “muh B-26 Marauder” on the Forums? Everyone saying how “it NEEDED to be ingame” because it was “so iconic” and because “high tiers were boring”? Now it has 6 battles registered this month, while, on the other hand, F-15C has 3,900 matches on the same timeframe. (I know Thunderskill doesn’t account for the whole playerbase and blah blah, but still, 6 vs 3,900 on TS’s sample is enough to have an idea).

Or remember the “muh Razorback” hype on the Forums? 86 matches this month, compared, again, to F-15C’s 3,900. Etc.

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Doubt a low tier would be seen as boring.

I guess it’s gonna be something about a new little things in the game, QoL or other, not a vehicle.

Let’s play a little game. The First Dev Blog is…

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  • not a bote
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so… devblog today?

Tomorrow apparently.


thx :3