Challenger 3 ain’t that good
the lack of blow out panels kill it for me
gun handling, massive forhead weakspot, slow as well… What to say
Right now all the BR balancing is done across all game modes that a vehicle can appear in, it’s the base amount of spawn points that makes it cheaper or more expensive to run.
My assumption is they will assess the BR’s based on how the plane will be used and what threats it will face.
I really appreciate engaging with you here because I’m an RB only, mostly GRB player, and so I see the planes and matchups from a different perspective to your Air Sim player view.
In my view, and I think this is a fair assessment, the idea of a specific Harrier you fly (sorry I don’t really know them well enough to know the difference and the BR) being at the same BR as the Su-39 may be inconvenient for you as you describe… but the same features that are frustrating to fight against, barely make a difference on the Su-39 in GRB. I think the vibe for the Su-39 in ARB (which I’ve flown a few times) is: with a very capable radar, plenty of potential to detect hostile planes, but without radar weapons, somewhat pointless, other than to help with HOB shots. So it’s limited to it’s ground attack potential, which is limited because the targeting pod hardly helps you lineup shots, which itself is somewhat pointless because it doesn’t generate a lot of points for the time being. The airframe is hardly capable, save for being stripped of it’s air-to-ground capabilities, and so it becomes a total lol-cow.
If ground targets are worth it in sim, I can understand a similar or higher BR due to some of the air-to-ground capabilities it has, but in GRB, vs. a Harrier and competent SAMs and MANPADs on Helis, I wouldn’t last long, not while being worth a darn to my team. This is where air-to-air in GRB can become valuable, standoff kills in an Su-27 or MiG-29SMT are certainly possible, and could keep you alive longer I’d assume. I know there’d be limited unguided “multirole” possibilities on both planes too, you’d just be trading R-27ER’s for S-25’s.
There’s very few air-to-air only airframes at the end of all of the trees, so for now the balancing factor is still spawn points. I imagine it will remain that way when the dynamic BR’s come too. I could see a future multirole like the Su-30M spawning it at 500-600RP (basic spawn cost for most A2A configurations) if it’s A2A, but one with 6 Kh-29TE’s and 4 R-73’s coming in at 850-900RP. I think the only change here is going to be stuff similar to situations like: having to keep taking an Su-7BKL into my 9.3-9.7 matchups, where my early 70’s plane is forced to match up with my tanks which are from the late 70’s to mid 80’s. Where it faces MANPADS and other SAM’s? Or can I finally complement each BR with a slight upgrade in capability? The Su-7BKL doesn’t get missiles, or even a measly 18 countermeasure pod. I’d like to think that dynamic BR’s are going to change this for aircraft in specific situations like this.
Somebody give us a TL:DR
I bet they’ll just look at the winrates for the planes in air and ground and not think at all
object 292 and 2S38 are the worst thing that ever happened to WT
Lol sorry I just kept writing because I entered into a long thought-flow.
In certain situations, you have to take planes into GRB that don’t match the era they are from, and don’t have capabilities to match the ground BR they are in. Hopefully dynamic BR changes for different game modes, which has been announced, will help.
I’m thinking/hoping they are just going to take the different weird lineups of all nations and try to balance them. A plane with no CM’s or missiles has no business in any BR above 8.3 in ground RB. Period.
and the fact that somehow my DM23 bounces on its front plate is just insane
when in tests never happens
R&R is not a place to rant
30mm of armor wont ever bounce anything no matter the angle tbh
most certainly not a dart with 400mm of penetration
Abrams with 38mm frontal plate in the corner
Apart from blowout panels
I don’t really see 2A4M CAN being nothing other than sidegrade
If placed at 11.3, it will probably be limited to DM43 and maybe with Gen1 gunner thermals (pre-upgrade). Not to mention the L/44 as opposed to L/55 on 3TD.
If it is somehow placed at 11.7, the DM53 is a must for unlockable APFSDS shell with DM33 stock. However at this point, the older armor of 2A4 is becoming apparent and questionable turret armor as well
Blowouts panels
better gun handling
better mobility
You sure about better mobility?
Those turret modules add some weight (Don’t know how much)
so your saying the worst 11.7 leo
im down for that
sounds cool
But… We still don’t even know what tech tree will it be assigned to
I wouldn’t count your chickens before they hatch