Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Monkey see missiles

In game yes, but afaik the technical demonstrator irl was missing a lot of “essential” features, no?

Ones that have no effect on the game, yes.

Monkey sees more missiles

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I wish they changed F-16’s to Jaguars but kept the JH-7 exploding

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You guys don’t seem to know what “functional” means.

so blow panels and spall liners aren’t features

The tank functions without those, is what I meant.

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Show me a picture or video of a Yak-141 firing missiles


I’m not having this discussion again. You know damn well why the Yak-141 is in the game and why that situation is not even remotely similar to the EAP one.


Yak-141, with its fired missiles… oh wait…


but not to level the real one would

Oh boy, I wonder what the RR is discussing today.

Sees EAP again




The fundamental core of the argument is this.

Soviets had and still have a large pool of aircraft to choose form. They did not need a prototype aircraft but got one anyway because “reasons”

Britian had no competitive aircraft for 2023, was repeatedly denied even the idea of a prototype aircraft because “reasons”.


someone put into a leak list we know its not coming

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It’s not our fault! Someone leaked it!


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Counter argument, it has a cool camouflage so you should add it. Simple as.

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The Yak-141 was planned to enter service. The EAP was not. That is the one and only relevant piece of information.


I personally am glad to see the new dogfighter Icon is actually themed to India and the event now and want to pass my thanks to the team for changing it ^^

Hope to see the planes actual blog today though, that would be neat.

It was fully planned to enter service. But was canceled and research transfered over to the eurofighter program. The fact the Typhoon entered service proves it was planned to enter service.