Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

same pen, DM63 doesnt explode anymore

DM73 has a 7% performance increasement, less pen lose over range slightly higher pen general etc

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Sea Harrier FRS.51 would be premium pre pre-order pack rank 8 with introduced aviation rank 9 huh ?


Possibly, Id guess a BR of 11.3 ISH depending on loadouts

ok thx for the info

My Lord
Has ARH Derby so would be 13.0+

Sea eagles would be awesome

Yeah, they would. Tornado, Buc, Sea harriers can all get them

Knowing gaijin

Omg let’s push this back for like 6 to 7 years


im afraid in 3 years max this will be implemented if they even go this modern

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There’s a naval version of Indian Tejas so they can get that instead

F-35 update.

M830A1 i think

As for SHARD, is Shini is to be believed, that would be anywhere between 652 (DM53/63) and 697 mm (DM73) @0m @0°, when intorduced in game.

So basically a 30-70mm difference with what you stated that could be explained by different source use, game modelling, or something else

but tbh 670 would be plenty enough (+100mm compared to the one we have right now), and if we need more, there’s still the big boomer with 140mm gun)

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Tejas is much better fighter so higher BR sir

only what 20 years? away from the current in game top planes (Russian ones excluded)

Excuse me, but I ask him only

Fighter aircraft with active radar MRAAM higher 11.3 BR (12.7 ~ 13.0) but at rank 8 BR 11.3 minimum ?

Premium pack & premium GE in rank 8 could be 12.7 BR max ?

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It depends on if it gets ARH. Could be lower without or an SARH alternative instead

Must be a alternate account of Deathmisser


Tejas better than Rafale? In what way


well its based on a mirrage 2000 which is basically a Gripen which means its better

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