Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Did we get a South Africa map when they added the ground tree? I don’t really play ground so don’t know.
A Grensoorlog map would be interesting, especially if they add the SA air tree.

Red Desert is vaguely South African as it resembles one of the unique terrains of the region, plus most cinematics of South African vehicles were done in the map. However it is not official.

Well, I would sure like to see a Budapest map on that topic

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Well… if i get enough likes with the question if we can get a devblog today - perhaps Stona would be kind enough to upload a devblog today.

kinda like a petition xD

There won’t be a ZA air sub tree, and I really don’t know why people are perpetuating the possibility of one.

Hmm, not really. Especially not like the bush where most of South Africa’s military engagments have been.
There’s lotsa red dunes in Namibia but none of the military action was in those areas. Those also don’t have those rocky areas.

So if that is Gaijin’s idea of a “South Africa” map then I certainly hope they add a more fitting one when they do the air tree.

Again, there will never be a ZA air sub tree.

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It usually starts on fridays

Hopefully sooner than later. Anything ever said about that by mods/devs?

The devs, Smin in particular, have denied it ever happening multiple times, both implicitly and explicitly. It’s not a matter of ‘soon or later’. It won’t happen.

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same with merkavas

and any light tank for Israel…

IFVs are by definition light tanks in warthunder, albeit I dont think they are anywhere near the tonnage of light

doesn’t matter I’ll take anything at this point…

Ah sorry, misread your post. I see. Roger that, will not expect one then.
Still, we got a ZA Gripen so a Cheetah as a TT/event/premium somewhere is not out of the question. Just no tree.

If Gaijin has ANY self-respect this is the map they have to go with :D
Képernyőfelvétel (144)


Lol, nice.
Wish I had more real world connections in WT. I’m sure lotsa people have direct connections to some of the locations but the maps are quite limited.
I’ve gotten a new employer and their head office is in the Denmark map so guess I’ll have one “familiar” spot to fly around. Did so today but looks very ww2 era.


That is one of the tanks I was referring to, yes.

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A handful of Cheetahs would indeed be nice. Some can fill small gaps, and the other can be premiums or event vehicles.

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NGL this could be cool, siege of gaijin headquarters as an april fools event


This is the best map.

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