I mean, it’s still possible, just not because that list said so tho. I just don’t want people operating off false hope is what I’m trying to warn people
That will cause no end of drama from people who just see the T-80U in the name.
Ok I did some research, and that’s probably a BMP-3M variant. The base BMP-3 indeed didn’t have an Autoloader. Would be cool if we got it as an upgrade or new BMP-3 in game tbh
Did heard of something like this before, the bmp3 in game is half original half bmp3m
I think the only thaing that makes it better than the pure base model is upgraded optics
Hopefully the VT4 packs will show up ASAP
So, how much is it’s reverse speed? a little engine power less is not a problem, and thermals, maybe still a 480p one which same as T-80U in game
Thailand vt4 for japan te he?
It 's strange that the Westland Wessex model specified here is the HAS.1 antisubmarine warfare model, instead of the ATGM-armed HU.5 we saw in
( new - Album on Imgur )
That 's not too unexpected, they came close to adding them before( for the USS Douglas ):
Then when they added the targets for them to the files last fall, it cemented that they were seriously planning to add them in the way described in the Q&A 's:
( War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/weapons/rocketguns/s75m_missile_v760.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub )
( [QA] Answers from the developers - News - War Thunder / [Development] Dev team replies to community feedback on the Sky Guardians update - News - War Thunder )
-4kph reverse speed, same as the T-72/90’s.
And no thermals at all, they never put the Agava in the T-80UD models, just the U, UM and UK models.
On the otherhand, its a 6TD engine, so its loud, louder than even the T-72’s/T-90’s.
Which is impressive, because those are already notoriously loud.
And it sounds like a vacuum cleaner ingame.
If they add the T-80UD it could be between T-80U and T-80B in the tech tree?
If there’s a VT4 pack, I am quite possibly getting it with the GCJs I will earn from selling the Object coupon in the Market!
China is one of the only two nations I still haven’t grinded (along with Italy, but I won’t ever touch that one xD) and I’ve been growing more and more interested on them lately!
seems not between, if it’s correct, would be 10.3, like a faster T-72b
Hope there are more interesting unique vehicles the day you start grind China TT.
ASW Aircraft PLEASE, a bunch of JASDF ASW jets have been past over the past year
If they give it mango, it ends up in a weird place. Upgrade over the 10.0 USSR T-72B, but downgrade to the UK 10.3 T-90S.
That’s assuming its even a real leak of course.
So, possibly 3bm46, and I don’t think that’s a big problem
Trusted source, at least most parts should be true, there always little mistake
So far, the Top Tier lineup seems quite appealing! ZTZ99A, WZ1001(E)LCT, VT-4A1…
Apparently, it’s Russia, but better in many ways hahah (even if worse at others).
Also, M1A2T will definitely come at some point, further spicing it up.
Could be in a folder with the T-90A, there is very little of “T-80” in the T-80UD.