Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Nation balance in War Thunder IMHO.

They quite literally IMMEDIATELY gave loads of spall liners to other nations almost before they were condemned. It’s clear T-90M was using spall liners just as a test and it was planned other nations would get it. No evidence of bias there.

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Obviously germany needs to get a alpha jet variant as event vehicle first.

And an F-4F ICE as one, as well. Can’t go without that.

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US is way worse when we talk about ground here buddy

no it was quite a bit after they got condemmned

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LMAO, Italy, France, Israel and Japan have to go to D, Great Britain to B, Sweden to A, and DE,RU,US to S.

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Please smin tell us if Britain will get something good this patch… or atleast Japan

I highly doubt a nation balance ranking from a mostly nation main.

There are already multiple things seriously wrong with your ranking that show that you are mostly a single nation main.

I’m very excited for what’s coming :)


And Japan?

Hey @Smin1080p , sorry for the ping. It is possible to know which rounds those two new premium vehicles will use?

Will it have an engine, though? Or will gliders finally be coming?

Which I still have some doubts about seeing as the 2A4 CAN seems likely to be a premium.

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oh my god its EAP


On One side, the italian rank 7 premium
On the other Is Just a centauro with a bigger gun
I was hoping for an mbt for once

Ok I think that confirms the Canadian Leo2A4M lol


Hey. All of the information we have to share on them currently is in the blog and store page.

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Ok, thank you.

It’s effectively a copy and paste of what we already have, which is how some premiums should be, in my opinion.

My Japan question getting ignored. So everyone knows what that means… A rank II coastal boat for Japan and another C&P 8000 GE premium.